|22|: Bargain/سودا

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The usual morning routine followed in the Durrani Mansion with the maids already in action to prepare for the breakfast of the family. It was like tradition to eat breakfast early and together. These were the rules and are being followed since Rehmat Bibi married in this family. The late Durrani Sahab was a man of rules and regulations. He emphasized on staying true to them. After his demise, Rehmat Bibi never let his small of a tradition fade. She kept it strong and undying.

Safa descended the stairs. Despite coming home late last night, she woke up early. Maybe she was habitual now due to waking up early for studies. She walked in the kitchen to find the maids working. She coughed to gain their attention. The two maid turned hastily. Scared they were going to get scold upon.

"Apko kuch chahiye Bibi?"
(Do you need something, Madame)

Safa instantly felt bad for them. She knew what it's like to live in fear. She has faced that phase. Its tiring and feels like your life is chipping away bit by bit, fragment by fragment until nothing remains but a shadow of your real self.

"I was wondering if I can help you with something."

She said instead. The maids violently shook their heads.

"Please let me." Safa insisted. She's tired of sitting and doing nothing. She is used to do her work from her own hands.

"You can..help... with some tea."

Safa smiled and get to her work. She made small conversations with the maids and needless to say, they were the sweetest people. One of them shared with her that she wanted to have her own big house like Durrani Mansion. How time went while talking, Safa paid no heed. She enjoyed whatever little conversations they were having.

"Is the breakfast prepared?"

Safa craned her neck at the new voice. The voice was strict and no nonsense but still had a bit of warmth.

"G, Bahar Begum."

Bahar's eyes clashed with Safa. At first, she was worried that there'd be a scene, but Bahar said nothing. Her lips stayed in a straight line as she gathered breads and butter. Safa went back to her work and poured the tea into the kettle. She lined the cups on the tray and held it in her hands to take it to the dining table

"Let me do it."

The maid literally snatched the tray from her. For them seeing her work like that was something so horrible. They weren't used to this kind of treatment. No one has helped them and they found it fine as they are paid to do this work, so why need anyone's help.

Safa let the young girl do her work while she walked to the dining table. It was just her and Bahar. Safa didn't know if she should say anything, so she just stood there minding her own business. Slowly, the dining room started filling with people and Safa caught Mehreen smiling like a little baby towards her.

This small exchange between them was not ignored by Bahar. A small smile covered her lips as she took her designated chair beside her husband. Safa stood by her chair waiting for Subhan.


Her mind asked but she has no answer. Maybe because she's his wife so she has to wait for him. But then again she can have her food and Subhan won't mind that. But, the fact was that she wanted to wait for him.


Her mind pestered again. Pushing her buttons to grab the answer, but recieved none. The chair scrapped before her and she looked up to see dark eyes looking at her.

When did he got here?

She thought. He pulled the chair for her and urged her to sit. She compiled without saying anything. She felt that penetrating stare her way. Narmeen's eyes were glaring daggers, but she chose to ignore it.

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