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-Y/n Pov-

R-princess did u find what u wanted?

D-yea i-...Y/n!!!

She hugged me and my eyes widen as i hugged her back looking at Rui


R-u two know each other?

D-yes sir. She was the friend i was talking about.

R-...Ur That y/n...and that was that Jacob...oh shit

So he knew...not completely but he knew about us...it just seems Dani doesn't know about me and Rui

R-go find more stuff ok she asked for help so i was gonna show her the good stuff-

Y-no need i got it thank u


D-but he knows the good stuff

Y-i thought u was gay?

D-i was but somehow he found me and...changed me...but speaking of...why are u doing a video with that Jacob dude

R-u are?

I glared at him then go back to my friend smiling

Y-i'm doing it because...i want to i mean people change right?...just like u did...i gotta go tho we should catch up

I walked away wanting to get mad but he owes nothing to me i just don't get why does this keep happening to me-

My hand was gripped and i turned and he covered my mouth

R-follow me please...3 minutes to explain myself


I wanted to tell him to fuck off but when he looks at me like this I can't help but to follow

I look over and see Jacob looking at a toy not paying attention and i leave with Rui to the bathroom

When we got to the bathroom i glared at him


R-ok for one u have no right to be mad at me

Y-u blocked me!

R-i had to! I didn't want Jacob going through ur phone or anything i didn't know if he was some crazy toxic lunatic or something. I called u and tried to text u but u blocked me

Y-that was u

So i ended up blocking him yesterday....just my luck huh?

R-i want u to be mine

Y-while u also have Dani?

R-i didn't know u was that Y/n...but even then i still want u...i'm not like him i would treat both of u right

Y-BUT I DONT WANT TO SHARE!...with him I gotta share with this pick me chick and my ex bestfriend and with u i gotta share with my friend and its not fair to me! Its not fair

I said as I couldn't hold back crying and he hugged me and held me as i cried into his chest

He grabbed my face wiping my eyes  and kissing my lips

R-i'm simply just a dom to her nothing else

Y-but why do u need more than one

R-what do u want me to do then huh?...end our contract? Is that what u want because i can but i will only if ur serious about this

What?...so he would really stop what he has with her for me

R-unblock me and i can come when u call or when u want and be both or ur doms until u get ur roommate out of ur system. When ur ready ill stop with Dani and go to u...u will be mine and only mine and i will treat u as I promised that night. I made a connection with u as our bodies connected...i will sacrifice for u

I wanna believe him but i'm scared. What if its like Matt all over again

Y-...don't hurt me...don't lie to me-

He grabbed my face kissing and I instantly gave in

R-i won't hurt u...i don't know what u been through but I'm a man...i'm not Jacob or anyone else...I'm Rui...Chen


He grabbed my ass feeling me up his other hand going to my boob

R-its not fair he gets this everyday...i'm a bit jealous honestly it kinda hurts my feelings

Y-i'm sorry~

R-are u? Yea?~

As soon as he was about to go in my panties a knock banged on the door and we stopped

He opened the door and its Jacob and he glared at him

R-u again-

I pushed jacob out grabbing him taking him with me and he yanked away

J-get ur shit and lets go...its time i'm not waiting any fucking longer hurry up so we can get home-

His phone ringed and it was Lai and he picked up

Lai-Hay daddy i-

J-set up the room right now and make sure its spotless and set up no is is to enter when we step foot do u hear me

Lai-...yes sir

I walked away rolling my eyes and he grabbed me now


J-on the other hand i think i got what we need lets go

-At Home-

We walked in and i yanked from him

Y-u asshole

J-lets go!

We walked to the room and the girls followed behind until he basically pushed me in the room and slammed the door in their face

Y-U Dick!-Mmph!

He kissed me roughly then threw me on the bed i sat back watching him as he went to the camera

J-u wanna know something?...i Wanted to be gentle for ur first time...kinda aggressive but gentle but u know how to push my buttons don't u?

Y-not my fault ur fucking sensitive. U don't own me.

J-i told u to stay away from him


He scoffed taking his shirt off then setting up

J-wanna hear my tittle for today?


I said glaring

J-it was originally called... Breaking In the Chubby Ebony but now...Humiliating And Punishing The Fat Whore... doesn't that sound nice?

Y-Fuck u...

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