1. Mercury's Nightmare...

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Wrote this idea in the SB server on discord and it got upvoted surprisingly fast... Let's start this book off strong! (Hopefully- Let's hope I don't crash and burn.)


Mercury feared a lot of things. Venus' relentless bullying, for one. After that was a huge list of things. Becoming a dwarf planet (those Earthlings better not change their minds about him being a fully-fledged planet) or becoming smaller due to a possible contracting crust.

There was one thing, though, that Mercury didn't openly reveal his fear for. It was something that most of the inner planets were all afraid of— the Sun ultimately becoming a red giant and consuming them all.

Now, to the viewers, Earth seemed to be the most terrified over that fact— he even tried constructing another sun right in the asteroid belt.

Mercury, though, was probably the most afraid of the mere thought of the Sun transforming into a merciless red giant. Who could blame him? He is the closest planet to the Sun— if anyone were to be engulfed first by the Sun, it'd be him...


"Hey, Mercury!" The Sun calls out, beckoning me towards him. "Wanna hear something funny?"

Before I could even respond to his question, the Sun continued speaking. I sigh, tuning him out as I watch the other planets speak from afar... I wanted to join in on their card game, but I knew for a fact that Venus would be quick to pick on me if I even got close to them.

"Mercuryyyyy? Mercuryyyy!" The Sun calls out, "Wanna hear another funny pun?"

Disinterested, I reply with a silent groan. The Sun, as usual, continued telling his joke as if I had agreed. After a while, I was starting to get bored of staring at the other inner planets play cards. The Sun's voice in the background gets shallower and shallower, until eventually...

"Mercury!" Earth exclaims, floating over to me with a gleeful expression, "Want to play cards with Mars and I?"

Stunned, I almost reply yes... Until I remember Venus. "But... What about Venus?"

"What about him? Who cares! He won't mess with you with us around, Mercury! You're our friend now!"

"I... I am?" My eyes light up. Earth wanted to be friends with me? Me, the smallest planet in the Solar System? Me, the one that all the other planets poke fun at for being so small?

I float towards both Earth and Mars, excitedly. I've waited so long to be able to join them in one of their card games— I won't let anything or any planet ruin this for me!

But, just before I make it to them, I hear the Sun roaring my name... Stumbling and stopping in my tracks, I turn to face him... I expect him to yell at me for leaving my orbit and attempting to join the others, but... That wasn't it.

There was something completely off about the Sun's appearance. His usual yellowish hue was replaced with a blood-red tint, and he appeared much larger than normal.


His expression was wild, as if he'd just reached the brink of insanity. I call out his name once more, but he doesn't respond.

Then, suddenly, he becomes astronomically bigger. He was becoming so gigantic in a matter of seconds.

"S-Sun?!" I call out in a panic, "Wh-What's happening?!"

"Mercuryy~!" He booms, "Your time has come..."


My eyes widen in complete horror. So this was it. I was destined to be engulfed by my only friend in the Solar System. I never even got the chance to play cards with the other planets...

I attempt to flee, booking it and floating as far away as possible. The Sun's gravitational pull reels me in despite my futile attempts of escaping. I am helpless as I am pulled in closer and closer, the unforgiving heat and radiation becoming closer every second. My eyes are wide in horror as I meet my ultimate demise— my entire being goes up in flames as the Sun swallows me whole. I suffocate, screaming out painfully. The space around me becomes brighter and brighter, until...

My eyes snap open as I pant heavily. I frantically glance around my surroundings.

"Mercury! Do you know why I-!"

"AAAAAAH!" I scream, zipping out of my orbit and heading toward the other planets.


I zip behind Venus for cover, for once happy that he's a much larger planet than I am. The other planets glance over at me, confused.

"Woah, Mercury, you good? You look like you've had quite the scare...," Mars asks.

"Pipsqueak, what the hell are you doing cowering so close behind me like that?!" Venus hisses. I don't respond, feeling myself tremble and shake fearfully as the events that occurred in the dream start to resurface again.

"Mercury! Get back in your orbit!" The Sun shouts, though not as sternly as he is with the other planets.

"No!" I shout.

The Sun seems a bit surprised by my refusal. "I already promised to aim all solar flares at Venus, did I not?... Is something the matter, Mercury?"

I slowly float out from behind Venus, my voice trembling as I ask, "Sun... Is it true that when you become a red giant... I'll be the first t-to... To go?..."

"Well you are the closest to the Sun," Earth cuts in, though getting the stink eye from Mars in response.

The Sun stays silent for a few moments. "Mercury... Are you concerned about me becoming a red giant?"

I nod shakily, gulping. I hope the Sun isn't upset by this...

"Mercury... It'll be millions upon millions of years until I'm even close to that point. You needn't worry... besides, if I felt like I was starting to change... I'd be the first to let you know. Besides, I'll probably decide to engulf Venus first."

Venus' eyes widen. "WH-WHAT?!"

The Sun smiles eerily to the second planet of the Solar System, before returning his attention to me. "Don't fear me, Mercury... I'm your best friend and I wouldn't let anything happen to you! Promise!"


"Promise. Now, come on, Mercury. Let's return to your orbit, I've still got a few Sun puns to share with you!"

And, for the first time in millions of years, I was happy to be the closest planet to the Sun.

Cue the credits!~


Crashed and burned... Sobs.

Anyone have any short-story suggestions they'd like me to write? No promises, but I'd love a few suggestions <3

Thanks for reading the first chapter of this SB fanfic! Hoping for a lot more to come!

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