Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful morning in Kyoto, Japan. The birds were tweeping and the sun was shining down on Kyoto.

It was all peaceful there but the sound of arguing can be heard as two people were shouting.

Y/n: "Thats why I'm telling you that you need to lighten up a bit!!" Y/n was shouting at someone

Y/n Fushiguro Age 15

Y/n turns to the person he is shouting at

Megumi: "Why would I want to lighten up. Does that really affect anything if I'm a bit emo-like?"

 Does that really affect anything if I'm a bit emo-like?"

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Megumi Fushiguro Age 15. Currently a Student at Tokyo Jujutsu High School

Y/n: "Noone wants to be with a emo big bro!!"

Megumi: "Who decided that."

Y/n just sighs

Y/n: "Fine then. Just stay on your own....sea urchin."

Megumi's face changes a bit

Y/n laughs

Y/n: "That got to you didn't it!!"

Y/n walks off to the kitchen of their house as he goes and prepares himself a meal. Megumi shortly after walks in and starts to make his own food.

Y/n: " is it over there at Tokyo Jujutsu High School? Is it nice?"

Megumi: "Well..-"

Megumi was about to continue speaking but Y/n interrupts him

Y/n: "Is it a cool little environment? Does it look nice?"

Megumi just smiles and sighs as he grabs his head while shaking his head

Y/n gasps

Y/n: "Does it have any cute girls there? Tell me! Does it have any cute girls there at all? Please tell me if they doooo!!"

Y/n gets all up in Megumi's face. Megumi just smiles because he knew that would be the first question that Y/n would ask.

Megumi: "I don't really look at the girls. I'm just focused on during missions and taking out cursed spirits."

Y/n slumps

Y/n: "You are always so serious Big Bro! Do you at least have a girl in your squad? Huh? Huh?"

Y/n goes closer to Megumi as he nudges him in the shoulder as Megumi just looks at Y/n

Megumi: <Sighs> "You are really annoying Y/n."

Y/n: <Laughs> "But you can't live without me though"

Megumi says nothing as Y/n walks off back to his room. Megumi after Y/n had left was just smiling

Megumi: "This guy..."


Y/n was sitting down on his bed has he was just looking up to the sky.

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