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───※ ·Third Person· ※───

Melanie is what we call a beauty, and she is gifted with brains too. Even at such a young age, she had many admirers. Why wouldn't she? She was tall, model-thin, and as fair as the morning sun. She was every guy's dream. She also had a lot of emotions going on. She had feelings whenever she met someone handsome, and she also wanted to go and have a little fun with her mate. But having a religious parent could be a good and bad thing.

"Do not have male friends; it's a sin." Her father had said one day.

"Do not talk to boys at your school; it's a sin." Her mother's voice had echoed one time in the kitchen.

"When you see a boy coming to the left, move to the right. When you see a boy coming to the right, move to the left. When you see boys coming in from both the left and the right, move to the center. When you see all three boys coming towards you, disappear!" Both her parents had exclaimed.

Melanie wasn't from a rich home, but her parents weren't really poor either. She'd gained a scholarship at her secondary school, so her parents would save the money for her university tuition fee. Being at a rich school, Melanie could see the lifestyle of many kids and always wished she had something close to that.

"Melanie," a girl from her class, called one day with an invitation in her hands. "I'm having my sweet sixteen birthday tonight, and I'm inviting you."

This was the first time Melanie was invited to something remotely close to a party. With so much excitement, Melanie took hold of the invite and protected it like an egg throughout the rest of the school day, after finding out that the invite was given to a selected student. Getting home, Melanie knew she had to ask for permission from her parents.

"I...I got invited to this party at school," Melanie stuttered, waiting for her parents' reply.

"Party?" Her mother had questioned while looking at her father. "Don't you know that going to wild places and doing worldly events is a sin?"

"At your age, you shouldn't be thinking about men or parties; you should be reading your book and staying to help your mother!" Her father had flared up.

"It's a birthday party hosted by a friend," Melanie had cried. "We just want to celebrate with her. Besides, I read my books and help mother all the time. I also obey your instructions; I haven't spoken to a boy in my life. Not even the ones from my class."

"You're not going!" And she knew that was final. Her parents weren't going to let her go. Melanie had given up and had gone over to her room to read her book. But minutes later, her door crept open.

"Your Father and I are going to the church elders meeting," her mother had announced, poking her head to look at her in the room. "Make sure you behave yourself."

"Yes, ma," Melanie had sighed. The house was quiet after her parents had left for the meeting, and Melanie was alone in her room doing nothing.

"I can go to the party and get back before Mum and Dad get home," she'd said to herself. She knew the meetings usually lasted a long time because they were always conducted by the main pastor. Taking her chances, Melanie got up and moved to her box to pick out her best dress. It was a black silky gown her auntie had gotten for her one day. She loved the gown so much because it made her complexion pop even more. Her parents also hated that gown because of how mini it was, but they couldn't destroy it because whenever her auntie visited, she always asked for it.

Finally seeing that she was ready for the party, Melanie rushed out of the house with no other thought in mind but to enjoy her day. And she did. For the first time, Melanie spoke to boys, and they weren't that bad either. Most of her classmates also enjoyed her company, which was a surprise because she wasn't one to interact with anyone in class. Melanie could also multitask. While having fun, she was self-conscious of the time. And when it felt like it was time to head back home, she said goodbye to the friends she'd just made.

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now