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Chapter 7: Enchanted Forest

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The dimly lit surrounding woods encased me and Millie in their eerie claustrophobia. Dancing and writhing weren't the only talents the trees possessed. Their tightly twisted branches wove together over the narrow dirt path, making the area even more unfamiliar upon our return.

Before attempting to go through the intertwined branches, I took in the fevered growls of the Wolfman behind me. I knew he couldn't get through the barrier, but the slim possibility that he would rip the metal panel from the doorway with his brawny grip—before doing the same to us—swirled around in my head.

Radio static briefly crackled from somewhere overhead, causing me to look above and search the unlit rafters for the source of the noise.

"Now it's time for another game," a male voice radiated from speakers somewhere above us in the scaffolding, immediately stopping the unnerving snarls and growls behind us.

Like a caged animal, a wave of claustrophobia and an urge to escape rushed me as I forced myself to pay attention and listen.

"This is a game about strategy." The voice drew me in with its rich tone and rhythmical words, making my ears perk up to capture the nuance hidden within. "To succeed you must think beyond the next step. Because you never know what the other players would do or how they'll react. So, like a game of chess, pay attention to the moving pieces and have your own strategy and backup plans. That way if you plummet, you can always land on your feet."

Millie examined the twisted branches before us, running her fingers between the sharp thorns and along the rough bark. The branches twitched in response to her touch, urging her to take a step back.

"And with that ..." the voice continued. "We open a new chapter toward the battle for victory."

Millie glanced over her shoulder at me. "This is gonna suck really bad. So be ready for anything."

My eyes went wide with increased fear. I knew what sort of games and tricks to anticipate, and still I wasn't ready for it. I couldn't even fool myself into thinking I was prepared after what I just experienced.

"So, before I explain the game and the rules, allow me to introduce this game's players and remind everyone of their current survival scores," the words echoed as the host continued. "Here alongside Kamila Wendall, also known as Kam the Activist, is not her reflection, but something that looks just like it... her twin sister Millicent 'Millie' Wendall also known as the Vagrant!"

I turned my head just as a spotlight flooded...me.

The light was so intense its heat caused beads of sweat to form along my eyebrows. Instinctively, I tried shielding the brightness by extending my hand and using my palm as cover.

The host went on, "Millie's current survival score is at two out of ten for her lackluster performance with the egg in the Big Bad Escape Room." His tone turned more serious and direct. "A tip, Millie? Stay observant and always think one step ahead."

"I want out!" I yelled to the light, exchanging harsh words for politeness. "We no longer wish to participate."

The light went out with a distant yet audible metallic clunk only to come back on and cloak Millie in its warmth, physically and visually ignoring me. "Kam the Activist's current survival score is at five out of ten. It increased one point since the last competition due to her quick thinking between games when saving her sister from the jaws of our mighty Big Bad Wolf."

I imagined producers replaying the moment onscreen for viewers at home, showing the snarling, crouching beast gradually approaching me as I lay on my ass after falling.

Even though the games were not currently live, I've watched enough Grimm Games episodes to know the show insisted on repeating footage of heroic moments. I was sure they had the recording of my epic failure with the egg in the office too.

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