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Darkness loomed over the land, night sky clear and the moon gone. Everything was in silent but deep in the forest away from prying eyes, a group of women gathered around a beaming bonfire, screaming chants and dancing. They all wore black robes, and they covered their faces with a mask made from actual animal skulls, and on the forehead of these masks there was a five-pointed star painted in red like blood.

Their chants grew louder and louder, and the flames grew violent and strong. Suddenly, the women stopped and dropped onto their knees, bowing their heads and panting heavily as the flames continued to grow and a black figure emerged from these flames. It stood strong and tall in the centre of the fire, unbothered by the flames and with no hesitation or questioning, it waved its hand and all the women suddenly caught on fire.

In the mist of this chaos, a woman stepped out from the darkness, walking past the women who were being burned, ignoring their cries for mercy but just approaching the black figure in the flames. At the edge of the fire, she bent down on her knee and bowed in respect as this figure looked down at her. She had dark brown hair tied up into a tight bun, greyish eyes, and wore the same black robe as the women who called upon this creature. "My Lord, I have been awaiting your arrival. All my years of living I had devoted myself and life for you, as I saw your vision great and worthy. Also, this power given to me was from you—"

A beam of laughter interrupted her, she was uncertain of her mistake; she kept her head down as the creature from the flames laughed and slowly take a step forward. "Power?" It asked, its voice was husky and rumbled animalistic. "That so-called power you received was not from me, you hag. Your witchy gifts are from one of my servants, who wanted to see if one of you humans will spend your lives releasing me from my prison." Its voice sound more human as it continued to step out from the fire.

She lifted her head and narrowed her gaze at him, "I don't care! I vowed I will release you from hell and help you for fill your destiny. I, Christina, swore to release and follow you—"

"Yeah, yeah, and a whole load of other promises. Stand up," he ordered, and she followed, standing up and staring at the sinful creature before. He stood masculine naked and tall, olive skin with faded scars on his arms and torso. His jet-black hair flowed down past his broad shoulders and dark eyes had a slight blood red stared down at the young witch. "How long have you lived on this earth?" He asked.

She gulped nervously, "hundred and eighty-five years."

He hummed in pleasure, "and have you heard about my story? How I became the ruler of demons and tripped in hell for the rest of my entirety?" He asked, stepping closer and closer to her until he was standing too close to her. "And do you know of those who betrayed me?"

"I know of these and I am here to help you find those you once called allies and make them pay for their crimes."

A devilish grin displayed on his handsome face, "good... Then many will know never to mess with Lucifer."

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