My Saviour

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The nerd type girl entered inside the class room. Her eyes roamed around the whole class and stopped at a corner. Where he was sitting. The coldest boy of the class...Kim Taehyung. He's wearing a black hoodie. His head was resting on the table. Everyone is scared of his cold aura. Even the teachers tried their best to ignore him. Everyone said he have connection with the underground world. Well it can be true cause once she saw a gun in his backpack. But she kept it a secret even he doesn't know that she saw his gun.
The girl slowly walk towards the last bench where he was sitting and sit beside him. He doesn't even bother to look up at her. Y/n looked at him. She got an urge to caress his messy hair but no one dare to touch him even her. Her sensitive heart has a soft corner for him. Where everyone is scared of this guy but she felt safe with him. And it starts one week ago when she first come to this university

Y/n fix her glasses and went inside the big building. She was walking in the hallway looking for the principals office when she bumped with someone. She look up and saw a tall boy
"Watch out nerdy"
Y/n : I... I'm sorry
"Hmm... looks like you're new here"
Y/n saw more boys come and surrendered around her blocking her way. In a blink she was in floor. This is the thing she's afraid of. They're bullying her without any reason.
"Hurting a weak explain how much useless you are"
Y/n heard a deep voice from behind her. The boys suddenly stops and backed away. Y/n take her glasses from the floor and wear them only to see a heavenly beautiful boy walk passed to her without even taking a glance at her. She understood how much power he hold and also that day he intentionally said those words to save her.

The teacher entered and everyone greeted him expect for Taehyung. His head was still on the desk. Soon the class ended and the bell rang. The teacher walk out from the class. After few minutes Taehyung rise his head from the desk and yawned. He fixed his messy hair and walked out of the class. Here almost all the student in this campus bully her or behave rude with her except for Taehyung cause he always ignore her presence but it's okay for her. It's better being ignored then being bullied. She feel safe around him.
It's lunch time everyone went in the cafeteria except for Y/n cause she knows they'll bully her there. She always had her lunch on the class room alone but today she went to the rooftop. She wanted to enjoy the view while eating.
Like she thought the rooftop is empty. Y/n sit on the ground and take out her lunch box from her backpack.
"Are you following me?"
Y/n flinch at the sudden deep voice. She look up and say Taehyung was sitting on a corner. Thin smoke come out from his mouth. A lighten up cigarette is peeking from between him long finger. He rise his one eyebrow at her
Y/n : I-I'm sorry I didn't knew you were here. I'll go
Taehyung : It's okay stay.
Saying that he throw the cigarette butt on the ground and smash it under his feet before going from there. Y/n look down and concertante on her lunch.

Next Day
The teacher give the students a pair project and tell them to choose their partner. Everyone choose their project partner except for Y/n cause no one asked her. Felling helpless she look down when she heard the deep voice again
Taehyung : Meet me om the rooftop at lunch time and choose a easy subject for research.
Saying that he walks out of the class room.
Y/n : So I wasn't the only one no one asked him to be their partner as well
She mumbled and smile at his fading back.

Y/n went to the library and choose some book for their research. She take the books and go to the rooftop. She saw Taehyung is already waiting for her. She went towards his direction and sit next to him maintaining a good distance.
Y/n : I bring some books from the library
Taehyung : Good now tell me what I have to do?
Y/n started to explain Taehyung everything. After sometimes she looked at him. He was taking some notes with full concentration. His sleeves were rolled up till his elbow. His veins were plopped from his skin. Sweat drops were rolling from his forehead to cheekbone. Everything is making her lost in him. He's perfect.
Taehyung : Now what should I do next
Y/n come back to her sense after hearing his voice
Y/n : N-Nothing the lunch time is almost over. I'll do the rest work by my own.
Saying that she take the books and went from there.

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