Endless love

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Y/n was laying on the bed and the ladies where rubbing her hands and legs. Mrs Amelia was pouring water on her head. Y/n wasn't in her full sense. She's continuously mumbling Taehyung's name. One lady spoke,
Lady : What will we do? She'll die like this
Mrs Amelia : Just pray for her, her husband and this little innocent child
She said looking at the newborn baby who's sleeping peacefully next to his mother

Taehyung look around the white windowless room. There's only one door to enter, exit and scape. Taehyung chuckle cause this is the same room where he used to captivate his enemies and traitors. The room which is located in his own mansion where he tortured and killed lots of people now he's captivate here. He's captivated in his own house his own torture room. And he's captivated by the guards who used to work for him. Who used to call him boss. Who never dared to look at his eyes directly. He look down and shake his head with a small smile before mumbling
Taehyung : Karma..

Y/n gain her consciousness and started crying loudly again
Mrs Amelia : Y/n please calm down
Y/n : How can I? How can I calm down. It's been 23 hours that my son born and his father couldn't even hold him in his embrace. He couldn't even talk with his son, play with his son and I don't even know he's alive or not.

Now Taehyung just wants his wife and son to be safe. Y/n must get to know about him till now. Is she okay or she's crying very much? Her health is not good crying won't be good for her. What his son doing right now? Maybe he's sleeping. He read somewhere that newborns sleep 12 to 16 hours in a day. What will Y/n name him? Maybe she'll name him after his father. Y/n doesn't have Taehyung's picture cause they couldn't take their phones with them. It means his son will never be able to know how his father look like. Taehyung felt sad thinking about it and besides he couldn't even hold his son in his embrace.
Taehyung : Maybe in next life I can meet them.. nono what am I thinking I can't give up this easily. I can't leave my wife and son alone in this cruel world.

Mrs Amelia : Y/n drink this please you lost a lot of blood while giving birth. You need to drink this beetroot juice
She doesn't reply. She was staring at the horizon. Waiting for her husband to come back. She knows, she believes that he'll come back. He can't never leave her alone. He will take his son in his arms after coming back. He will take care of her like always.
Amelia : Y/n please drink this
She shake her a little. Y/n flinch and turn her head towards Mrs Amelia. She look down at the glass in her hand
Amelia : Drink this beetroot juice it'll help to recreate the blood you lose
Y/n : Yeah you're right I need to drink this otherwise Taehyung will scold me after coming back
She take the glass and gulp down the juice in one go. Mrs Amelia take this as a chance and quickly bring something to eat for her
Mrs Amelia : Here eat this
Y/n : I wonder if Taehyung ate anything or not. It almost evening he must be hungry
Mrs Amelia : And his son is also hungry. You can't provide him milk if you didn't eat anything
Y/n : I need to eat for the baby right?
Mrs Amelia nodded and give her the food. Y/n started eating silently. All the ladies were looking at her feeling bad at her state.

Few guards drag Robin inside the room and pushed him on the floor hardly. Robin fall in front of Taehyung. Taehyung look at the guards with his burning gaze. They felt shiver because of his dangerous gaze and slowly put their eyes down at the floor.
Robin : Boss? You're here
Taehyung : They got me Robin
Robin : What about Mrs Kim?
Taehyung look down hearing her name. Just then the sound of heavy boots echoes around the room. Taehyung look up and saw Jack Dime standing in front of him with a dirty smirk
Jack : Long time no see right Kim?
Taehyung smile and reply
Taehyung : Yeah I even forgot your mosquito like face
Jack laughed loudly at him and spoke,
Jack : Tell me how are you feeling being captivated in your own empire
Taehyung : I'm feeling quite surprise actually. I wonder how fool you're to captivate me here. This is my empire, mine.. no one knows this place better then me
Jack : But there will be no use of this cause now you're in Jack Dime's cage
Taehyung : Jack Dime you're coward
Jack got angry this time. He barked loudly
Taehyung : I said you're coward. Look at yourself you bring ten guards behind you to meet me. It's clear that you're afraid that I might ripped you apart
He said calmly. Jack got more angry and punch Taehyung on his face. The corner of his lips started bleeding but he chuckle
Taehyung : Is this all you got? You're so weak
Jack : And I know how weak you're for her. Bring his wife here
He ordered the guards and all of them look down making Jack frown
Jack : Are you all deaf? Rover I said bring his wife here
Rover who used to be one of Taehyung's head guards spoke while looking down
Rover : We only bring him with us we couldn't caught his wife
Jack : Why?
Rover : We don't know how does she look like. Only few of his trust worthy man saw her face and they all got killed by us.
Jack : You fool
He walk towards Robin and grabbed his hair tightly. He drag him a little far from Taehyung
Jack : Go to the village with the guards and bring his wife here
Robin : Kill me brutally but I'll never do what you're saying
Jack : Then die
He shoot Robin in his stomach twice
Jack : Your side kick will get slow agonizing death in front of your eyes. You'll see his all blood coming out from his body until he die.
Taehyung : You'll regret very badly
Jack : But before that you will regret for calling me weak. I'll kill your love, your life, your wife in front of you eyes
Taehyung : DIME...
He roar making every human in the room flinch even Dime. But he quickly manage to act cool. He turn towards Rover and order
Dime : Go back to the village and bring all the pregnant woman here
Rover : And what if she already gave birth?
Dime : Then bring the newborns and their mothers also. All will die in my hands
Saying that he walk out from there. Fear started taking over Taehyung. He need do something before Dime.
Ethen who also used to be Taehyung's head guard was present there. He walk closer to Taehyung with an evil smirk and spoke,
Ethen : Looking so vulnerable boss. Are you worried for your wife?
Taehyung look at Ethen. He is the smartest among all his head guards. He used to respect Taehyung alot. Taehyung never imagined that Ethen will betray him like this.
Ethen : Why are you so silent huh? Come on rule over me like before give me orders... *he laughed* or you could beg me to spare your life. Talk to me boss
Taehyung : I don't talk with traitors it makes me feel disgusted
Ethen : Oh you still have guts I see. Everyone go out from here I'll take his all spunk out
The other guards nodded and left the room. Ethen fall on his knees as soon as the guards left the place.
Ethen : I apologized for my behavior boss.
Taehyung : Ethen..?
Ethen : When Jack Dime come to me and told me to betray you I agreed cause I know he'll kill me if I didn't do that. But honestly I never went to his side. I was your servant and I am still your servant
Taehyung : Then why didn't you inform me about this before
Ethen : I was helpless. You never allowed us in your mantion and you become so busy after Mrs Kim got pregnant so I never get the chance to tell this to you secretly and you know we can't talk in phone call
Taehyung : You could at least tell Robin
Ethen sign and spoke,
Ethen : I thought he also betrayed you. Now order me boss what I will do for you
Taehyung : I don't have any other way except for trusting your story. Save Robin if you can
Ethen : Note it boss.
Taehyung : And.. Stop the guards from going to the village at least for some hours
Ethen : I will. And boss I have two hundred guards under me. They are in yellow batch. I will take some with me and the others will help you
Saying that he walk towards Robin and carry him in his shoulder.

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