Chapter 23

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"Your Honour, there is something that is not sitting right with me. These doctors," Thomas aggressively pointed at Dr. Willow and Dr. Klein," claim they didn't know what Mr. Sullivan was doing. They claim all of his actions were done behind their backs. They claim they didn't authorize Mr. Sullivan's experiments. But they also claim that they ran the facility. Now, Your Honour, to my knowledge you either run things or you follow, but these people claim both. I know there isn't any evidence to support the claim that Dr. Willow and Dr. Klein authorize Mr. Sullivan's actions, but there is evidence that supports the claim they did run the facility." Thomas went full steam ahead after the break. Dawn's case was one of the worst he had seen in his life and he wanted that Dawn got the justice she deserved.

"Now moving on to my next point. Mr. Sullivan was just a doctor. Meaning he did finish his residency in a regional hospital somewhere hidden away in the country, but he never did a fellowship. He wasn't a specialized doctor. But the experiments conducted on Dawn were clearly done with precision and full knowledge of the bodily autonomy, something a doctor like Mr. Sullivan couldn't have conducted on his own. But doctors like Dr. Willow and Dr. Klein could have with their education."

Mr. Callaway stood up. "Your Honour, Mr. Sullivan was their protégé, he learned from them during his time in the facility and because of the illegality of their business there is no record of Mr. Sullivan getting diplomas or recognition for his advancement in the medical field."

"Even if that is true, some of the experiments are too advanced for someone with Mr. Sullivan's background. And seeing the experiments they did on the other prisoners they weren't as advanced as the ones they conducted on Dawn. It doesn't rhyme, Your Honour."

The middle councilman held his hands up to come in between the representatives. "I would like to hear from Miss Carson herself how she experienced her time in the facility. Miss Carson, if you please?" He pointed at the chair in the middle.

Dawn got up from her seat on wobbly legs. Slowly she made her way to the chair in the middle, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. As she sat down she took a big gulp and her leg started to bounce up and down.

After she swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth the lady on the far right did the questioning again. "Tell me Miss Carson, what would a typical day look like when an experiment would take place?"

"Uhm," Dawn tried to look at the lady but she was nervous. She was scared she would say something wrong or make a mistake. "Uh, Jack would come to get me, I-I mean Mr. Sullivan, and he would-would take me to Dr. Willow and Dr. Klein. Then..." Flashbacks caused Dawn to pause. She had suppressed the memories of the experiments since her talk with Max and Caspian.

"Take your time, Dawn," The woman reassured.

Dawn took another deep breath and continued. "Then Dr. Willow would be the one to greet me. I spoke with him the most during-during those experiments. He-he then would ask Dr. Klein what-what would be on the schedule for that day. She would tell him and then-then Dr. Willow told Jack to prepare me..."

"Were you often alone with Mr. Sullivan?"

Dawn shook her head. "No-no Your Honour. He would only pick me up, bring me back, or-or check on me. I-I wasn't even allowed to discuss anything me-medical related with Jack, the same thing was told to him as well."

"Told by whom?"

"By Dr. Willow, Your Honour."

After she uttered those words Dawn heard a chair scraping against the floor. "Your Honour, I don't understand why we are wasting our time like this. We have already concluded that Miss Carson isn't eligible as a witness. Her high levels of silver and wolfsbane in her blood at that time could have caused hallucinations also pain can cause those as well."

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