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As Sam Belladonna, Kali Belladonna, and Blake Belladonna lead the Faunus militia toward Haven Academy, Sienna moves up to Sam's head.

Sienna: Hey Sam?

Sam's eye turned to Sienna as he kept his focus on the road.

Sam: What is it, Sienna? 

Sienna: Do you- (sighs) Do you think that I failed as a leader?

Sam: Where is this coming from?

Sienna: Adam committed so many horrible acts, and I could not see what I allowed to fester within him. I lost the throne because I wasn't worthy to lead the White Fang.

Sam nudged his head to Sienna.

Sam: Sienna, do you know why I had you take over in the first place?

Sienna looked at Sam with a sense of uncertainty.

Sam: It is because you are strong in both combat and inspiration. While I may not agree with some of your methods from before, but you are here now and you are willing to help save Haven so it doesn't become another Beacon.

Sienna: If I knew that Adam was going to attack Beacon, I wish I could have tried harder to stop it. 

Sam: So do all that live to see such times, but that isn't for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world besides the will of evil. You were meant to lead the White Fang, in which case you were also meant to learn from your mistakes. And that is an encouraging thought.

Sienna looked back at the Faunus who looked scared but they were ready for what was to come next. She then began to take what Sam said to mind as she understood what her leadership had caused the Faunus. She also now understood how she could make amends and maybe try to find a better path for the Faunus and Humans.


As the three members of team RWBY enter Haven Academy, Hazel Reinart and Adam Taurus appear with White Fang soldiers that had backpacks with them.

Adam: (to Hazel) Go do what you and your people need to do. We'll set the charges.

Hazel nods and heads for the Academy.

Adam: Set the charges.

Moments later, the White Fang soldiers are seen setting the charges all throughout the CCT Tower.

Adam: Once the charges are set, move back to perimeter watch. Tonight, Haven falls.

After setting the charges, the White Fang gathered next to Adam as they waited for Hazel and his people but were suddenly shocked to see Hazel himself burst through the building he entered and crashed onto the ground.

White Fang Soldier: What's going on in there?

Hazel: None of your concern.

Adam and his followers stare in amazement as they watch Hazel get back up. He then takes out a pair of red Dust crystals and stabs them into his arms. He lets out another roar as Ruby watches from inside the building. She then looks back to her friends and allies, all of them looking tired and worn out from the battle they've endured.

Adam: Stay focused! Our friends are almost done here. Has anyone heard from the rear guard?

White Fang Soldier: Nothing yet.

Adam: Go see to them. Find out what's-

Blake: Adam! 

Adam and the other White Fang members look up to see Blake Belladonna standing on a roof looking down at them.

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