You Don't Spend Time With Me

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A/N: Thank u so much @internetvx4mpire for the idea!

Y/N's Pov:

Mine and Drew's relationship has been so awful lately. We don't spend as much time together as we used to, and I get it that he has to film and stuff but he only works from 8am-2pm and some times he only has to go in for night scenes if it needs to be dark. He has time for me but doesn't make the time. He's even been given me one sided answers and being rude. Like all of a sudden he has this attitude and he treats me like I'm so chore to be around. We live together but it's not like we talk or enjoy each other's company. Well at least he doesn't. I like knowing he's home with me but then again I just feel sad that he feels like a stranger now. He's on his way home and I texted him that when he gets home we need to talk.

I wait for a few minutes and then Drew walks in.

"Hey..." I say.

"Hi." he says like he's aggravated.

"We need to talk." I say to him feeling nervous.

"About what exactly?" he says crossing his arms.

"Us...Drew you haven't spent time with me at all and yes I get that you have to film but you don't film for long. You can fit me in your schedule someway yet you won't. And I shouldn't even have to ask you to fit me in your schedule like I'm a job because I'm not. We even live together yet it's like we couldn't even be more far apart!" I tell him.

"I'm here at the apartment every day and I see you everyday. How is that not spending time together!?" Drew ask me.

"Because when you're here we hardly talk, you don't ask me how my day was or talk about yours, and you don't even kiss me anymore. All you say when you leave is bye or nothing at all. It's like I don't even know who I'm dating anymore and I wanna spend more time with you to better repair our relationship." I tell Drew.

"What do you not understand Y/N? I see you everyday that's enough. Hell your dad didn't even wanna spend time with you when you were a kid. That's probably why he left you and your mom. At least like him, I'm here." Drew says.

I can't believe he just said that he knows how I feel about that. I start getting tears in my eyes.

"Are you serious. You know how I feel about my dad leaving and don't you dare say it was because of me! Because if you really think that you can go screw yourself. We're done!" I tell him,

"Seriously? Your actually breaking up with me?" Drew ask me.

"Yes. I'm going over to Madelyn's and I'll come get my things later." I say grabbing my keys.

"Don't go." Drew says.

"No. I thought we would have a mature grown up conversation but you act like a child. Later Drew." I say and walk out.

I cry as I drive over to Madelyn's apartment and call her.

On the phone with Madelyn:

"Hey-" Maddie says before she's interrupted by me crying.

"Mads?" I say.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" she ask.

"Me and in a-an argument. We brrr-oke up." I tell her crying hysterically not being able to breath and stuttering over my words.

"Omg Y/N. I'm so sorry." she says.

"I'm coming over if that's okay?" I ask her.

"It's perfectly fine. I'll see you soon and I'm so sorry about all of this." She say.

"I'll be there soon." I let out.

"Bye Y/N." she says.

"Bye mads." I say.

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