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DISCLAIMER: This novel is written purely for fun and in self interest. Chinese is not my primary language so I'll try my best. Individuals, places and events mentioned that have similar names in real life are PURELY COINCIDENTIAL. 

The setting of this story is a fictional world themed around ancient China,  set in the fictional Qi Dynasty (大启). So, the imperial harem system here is kind of a mishmash of different dynasties. 

I've put a list down below on the general gist of it, but I'll be posting a separate ranking for the characters once the story gets going. 

Consort Ranks in the Back Palace (后宫hòu gōng )

1 Empress (皇(huáng)后(hòu))

1 Imperial Noble Consort (皇贵妃(huángguìfēi) )-Greater First Rank (超一品chāo yī pǐn)

4 Great Consorts (元妃 yuán fēi)- One each.

·          Imperial Consort (宸妃chén fēi)-Standard First Rank (  正一品 zhèng yī pǐn)

·          Noble Consort (贵妃guì fēi)-Secondary First Rank (从一品 cóng yī pǐn

·          Pure Consort (淑妃shū fēi)-Secondary First Rank (从一品 cóng yī pǐn

·          Virtuous Consort (德妃dé fēi)-Standard Second Rank (正二品zhèng èr pǐn

4 Madams (夫人fū rén) -Secondary Second Rank (从二品cóng èr pǐn

4 Consorts (妃fēi)-Standard Third Rank (正三品 zhèng sān pǐn

6 Noble Imperial Concubines(贵嫔guì pín)- Secondary Third Rank, Upper Grade (从三品上cóng sān pǐn shàng

9 Imperial Concubines (嫔) - Secondary Third Rank, Lower Grade (从三品下cóng sān pǐn xià

Imperial Ladies (御), Three each

          Lady of Bright Deportment (昭仪zhāo yí)-Standard Fourth Rank, Upper Grade (正四品上zhèng sì pǐn shàng) 

·        Lady of Bright Countenance (昭容zhāo róng)-Standard Fourth Rank, Intermediate Grade (正四品中zhèng sì pǐn zhōng

·         Lady of Bright Beauty (昭媛zhāo yuán)-Standard Fourth Rank, Lower Grade (正四品下zhèng sì pǐn xià

·          Lady of Pure Deportment (淑仪shū yī)- Secondary Fourth Rank, Upper Grade (从四品上cóng sì pǐn shàng

·          Lady of Pure Countenance (淑容shū róng)-Secondary Fourth Rank, Intermediate Grade (从四品中cóng sì pǐn zhōng

·          Lady of Pure Beauty (淑媛shū yuān)- Secondary Fourth Rank, Lower Grade (从四品下cóng sì pǐn xià)

·          Lady of Cultivated Deportment (修仪xiū yī)- Standard Fifth Rank, Upper Grade (正五品上zhèng wú pǐn shàng

·          Lady of Cultivated Countenance (修容xiū róng)-Standard Fifth Rank, Intermediate Grade (正五品中zhèng wú pǐn zhōng)

·          Lady of Cultivated Beauty (修媛 xiū yuán)- Standard Fifth Rank, Lower Grade (正五品下zhèng wú pǐn xià

18 Noble Ladies (贵姬guì jī)- Secondary Fifth Rank (从五品cóng wú pǐn

Beauteous Ladies (美人 měi rén)-Standard Sixth Rank (正六品zhèng liù pǐn

Talented Ladies (才人 cái rén)- Secondary Sixth Rank (从六品cóng liù pǐn

Consort Ranks for Crown Prince/Princes

1 Crown Princess Consort/Princess Consort (太子妃 tài zǐ fēi / 王妃wáng fēi )

2 Side Consorts (侧妃 cè fēi

4 Virtuous Ladies (良娣 liáng dì)-Only for the Crown Prince

9 Treasured Ladies (宝林 bǎo lín)-Only for the Crown Prince

7 Concubines (庶妃 shù fēi)

18 Ladies of the Bedchamber (侍妾shì qiè

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