Chapter eleven

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Audriana pov

As my eyes flutter open, I am quick to realize that I am not in my hotel room. I grab my phone off of the charger on the end table and see that it is 6 in the morning, the sun would be rising soon and I had to find a way to get back into my hotel room without Leah noticing. Luckily, she had booked a room with two beds so that wouldn't be too hard.

As I untangle myself from Gio's arms, I grab my clothes from around the room, my dress being a hassle to be put back on.

"What are you doing?" Gio asks as she laughs at me

"I cant find my bra" I say shaking my head as I laugh at myself

"You can have a pair of my clothes" Gio says as she wraps the blanket around herself and walks over to the dresser, handing me an oversized t shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"How do I look?" I ask as I model it, I watch as Gio takes out her phone and takes a few pictures as we both laugh

"Brush your hair and maybe ill think about a second date" she flirts and sends me a wink

"Go to bed, ill see you in a few hours" I say laughing

"Wait, this uh...this was a one time thing right?" She asks me for clarification

"Yes" I confirm

"Thank god, I really did not want to have the whole talk" she says sighing as she leans back in the bed

"Wish me luck" I say as I walk over to the door, my wallet and phone in one hand as my heels and dress are in the other

"Fuck you! Wish me luck, Leah is going to kill me" Gio says and I let out a laugh as I shut the door behind me, I run down the hall and into the elevator. Silently cursing myself as my bare feet skid across the carpet floors.

I needed to shower.

Of course the universe was against me after last nights events because it took me a solid 4 tries to even open the door to my hotel room, Leah sitting on the bed on her phone as her face showed every sign of exhaustion.

"Morning" I say awkwardly as I walk in

"you took your time" she says, taking one look at me before going right back to her phone

"I didn't know you were waiting for me" I say quietly as I drop my clothes in my open suitcase in the corner

"of course I was fucking waiting for you, is that a question?" Leah asks shocked as she throws her phone down "You left the club, with a girl you barely knew, in a country you've never even stepped foot in"

"It was Gio, Leah" I tell her "she is your teammate for fucks sake"

"that's not the point Audriana" she says "you should shower"

"Why are you so upset over this?" I ask "You took me to ibiza to have fun, to let loose"

"I didn't mean for you to sleep with my fucking teammate" Leah shouts at me "I took you here to get drunk, dance a little, go to music festivals and tan on the beach. Not for you to make me look like a fucking idiot"

"how exactly did I make you look like an idiot Leah, please enlighten me?" I ask sarcastically, my tone now matching hers

"All fucking day, the girls have been teasing me about you. They all thought we were together, and then you go and fucking make out with Gio in front of all of us, and then leave the club with her an hour later" Leah shouts at me

"But were not together Leah, thats on you" I shout back "You should've clarified that, I went out tonight and I had fun. You cannot blame the repercussions of your miscommunication on me"

"You aren't listening to me!" Leah says "That's not at all what im saying"

"So what are you saying Leah?" I ask her

"Forget it" She says shaking her head

"No" I shout "You don't get to yell at me for no fucking reason and then drop out when you get proved wrong"

"I don't fucking know what to say Audriana" She shouts "I mean did you even think for a second how your actions would make me look? How fucking embarrassed or stupid I look after bringing a girl on our leagues holiday, only to have her hook up with my teammate. Especially when the whole world knows about our past"

"Not everything is about you Leah!" I defend myself "My actions tonight were simply because I wanted to have fun and let loose, I needed something new and I got it. Stop being like this"

"All I'm saying is, maybe you should think about how, what you do, effects others" She says with a sigh

"I'm sorry that you got the butt end of the jokes tonight" I tell her "But you cannot blame that on me for having fun, isn't that the whole reason you took me here?"

I watch as she doesn't respond, I watch as she switches off the light and rolls over. As I crawl under the sheets in my bed, Leah does the same. We let our backs face each other as we crowd the others thoughts. Leah was mad at herself for feeling this way, and Audriana was mad at Leah for how she spoke to her.

What was the saying? What happens in Ibiza, stays in Ibiza?

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