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Talia's POV

When I left the locker room I just was fed up with her. I hate the fact she acted like she hated me. When we were civil, she told us we would stay enemies.

That is her own fault. Now she's saying I'm confusing? She's the confusing one.

It just pisses me off so much that she acted like she didn't do anything wrong. Playing victim is what she's always done. She's been the main cause for most of the problems or fights!

Honestly, I just want the day to be over with. Might as well forget about this drama.

We all got into our little friend groups around the gym to socialize, until Mrs. Garcia told us to listen up.

We all turned to face her. Or well, at least most of us. The rest of the kids were talking and got yelled at. Usually entertaining but because I'm in a bad mood it was annoying and I just wanted to start whatever we were doing for the day.

"So, today we're doing volleyball. Which should be obvious because the net is set up." she announced, "and I'm also picking teams."

I was fine with her picking teams. I just hoped me and Gigi would be on the same team.

She called out names. The only name I cared to listen for was Gigi. Hopefully she wouldn't say it.
"—and Gigi."

God damn. Gigi and me aren't on the same team? I just had to jinx it. Ugh. That's so lame.

"The rest of you are obviously on the other team." She spoke once more glancing in my direction, "No exceptions for switching."

Damn, she knew me too well. And she also knew my strategy. I always made up a way to be on the same team as Gigi. Usually I said it was because I couldn't be on a team with a specific someone that I wasn't allowed to be around. Which that wasn't true.

Then, I noticed something. Something much worse than Gigi not being on my team. Mia AND Ashley are on the same team as me. Are you kidding me? Fuck.

When me and them were on opposite teams at least I could beat their asses. Now I couldn't. Now we all have to be civil. I'm already pissed off at Mia as it is. I'm just gonna have to ignore them.

Six of us go into place on our side of the net. Few others were sitting out on the side waiting for rotation.

Our side started and a girl named Kaylee, or maybe her name is Kacey? No clue. Can't remember it. Anyways, she served. She made it over the net thankfully but the ball shot right back over. Mia dove for it and got it up while another girl named Hannah jumped and spiked it down onto the ground onto the opposing side. We got a point.

The game kept going for a while. Still doing rotations fairly often. The score was 20-23. We were losing. I'm pissed because half of my team isn't trying. The only people actually trying is me, Mia, Ashley, Kacey— or uh— Kaylee? And then one other girl that tried was Hannah. Although, this is just gym class after all so I shouldn't get so worked up.

Eventually, it was my serve. I'd only served one other time which surprisingly I made it over. But now it's game point and my serve basically determined whether we won or not. I threw up the ball. I jumped and hit it. I intended for it to go over the net but it ended up hitting the top of the net and fell on our side.

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