Chapter 17: Cassie

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 "Love isn't patient, and kind, and humble. Love is messy, and horrible, and selfish, and bold. It's not about finding your perfect half. It's the trying, and reaching, and failing." —The Half of It

     "Okay, spill," Alyssa says the next morning about ten minutes into kickboxing.

     "What," I ask as if I don't know exactly what she's referring to.

     "You've been out of it all morning, but also smiling like crazy, what's up? Did you hear back from a grad school early or something?"

     "No, I wish," I reply earnestly, then lowering my voice to just above a whisper, "Hayden and I hooked up last night."

     A flurry of emotions crosses her face ranging from initial shock to a sort of sour look as she goes, "Really? Are you sure that was a good idea?"

     I'm somewhat taken aback, I thought Alyssa would be happy for me, and immediately beg for all the details, not this, before I can say anything though, she gages how I feel from my face.

     "Sorry, not to be like rude about it, I'm happy for you, but Cassie you're a relationship girl, and he's," she trails off.

     "It's not like that, we're just having fun," I respond, feeling sure about it after our conversation last night, "maybe I don't have to be a relationship girl. You're the one who said we needed to live a little senior year."

     "And I meant go to a few parties, not hook up with the captain of the hockey team," she says, but with a smile on her face and a lighter tone.

     "Hey, go big or go home," I reply, then we get back to punching, and every time Mel is out of earshot I spill all the details and she tells me about her latest hook-up.

     Alyssa's still very wary of Hayden, she thinks he's going to break my heart, but neither he nor I are going to be invested enough for that to happen, or at least that's what I tell myself. I ignore the feeling in my chest when I check my phone after class and see that he texted.

Hayden West: You look so hot when you're boxing

     I glance towards the student athlete-specific weight room and see him in there lifting with his roommates and a few other guys who I assume are on the team.

Cassie Bennet: I'd say the same for you, I have to say hockey's a little hotter than the weight lifting though.

     He glances up from his phone and smiles when he sees me standing by the window, I immediately turn away though because Alyssa is approaching and lord knows what kind of shit she'd give me if she knew how fluttery my chest was right now.

Hayden West: Guess you should start coming to games more often then

     I glance at his last text but don't respond since I'm with Alyssa, and the gap between kickboxing and the rest of our classes is barely long enough to get home, shower, and then get back to campus.

     "Okay, so mandatory girls' night tonight," Alyssa says as we get back. Lyra and Adri are still in their pajamas sipping coffee in the kitchen.

     "Why," Adri asks, still half asleep. She is not a morning person at all. Anytime before noon really she just doesn't exist. Freshman year, she had an eight a.m. class and it's the only class she's ever failed.

     "Because Cassie hooked up with Hayden freaking West last night."

     "What," Lyra practically shouts then she starts squealing, "Oh my god, I knew it, you guys are going to be so cute together."

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