If I Shouted Too Much Love in the Middle of Versailles, They Got Mad at Me

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August 27, 1774

I believe my daughter is truly cute, and for me, Louis XVI, Antoinette is no exception to be in a position of the world's cutest. Thérèse, my cute Thérèse.

We have been observing the progress with the attending physicians, and she is growing well so far. From what I've seen, she's perfectly healthy. As a father, I'm in the midst of showering Thérèse with lots of love alongside Antoinette. After changing her diaper in her room and wiping her bottom clear, I took Thérèse in my arms.

"Look, Thérèse! Look over here~! It's Papa~!"

"Hahaha! Kyaa~!"

"Waah, she's smiling! Thérèse is really cute~"

"Hehe, she must be happy... Look, Thérèse. You should lean on Papa~"

"Kyaa~! Auu~!"


Unapologetically, in front of Thérèse, I shed all dignity and shallow principles, reveling in delight with a beaming smile. Yes, it's me. Thérèse, with her overwhelming cuteness and a million-dollar smile... Ah, she's just too cute...

Thérèse, born as the result of Antoinette and my love and effort, came four and a half years earlier than in history. I'm truly glad she's such a healthy girl.

I've become a father myself now. In my past life, marriage would probably have been considered a prison sentence, and I likely would have remained a virgin for life. But now, as I look at my child, I feel my heart warming up.

Warm... She gripped my fingertips tightly with those small hands of hers. Watching that scene feels so precious and purifying, like the sensation of popping the cork of a champagne bottle, with bubbles of joy fizzing and dispersing into the air...

"She's really... healthy, isn't she..."

"Yes, she seems eager to see different places... Thérèse must have a curious nature."

"Antoinette, you were quite curious when you were a child too. I'm sure she'll grow up to be a beautiful and lively girl just like you."

"Well...! In that case, it might be a good idea to introduce Thérèse to some physical activities!"

"You're right. Building up physical strength through exercise can be beneficial... Is there a suitable place for her to move around?"

The Palace of Versailles has a large area, but there are limited places where one can run around freely. The Palace of Versailles and the Trianon Palaces prohibit running around except in cases of emergency. However, letting Thérèse play in the woods within the palace grounds could be somewhat risky... It might be better to create a playground for her within the existing spaces in a year or two.

"What if we renovate an existing area to make it suitable for running around? If it's on the grass, it shouldn't hurt much if she falls."

"That sounds like a good idea. How about the area near the Petit Trianon? It already has grass..."

"Near there? Come to think of it, that area does have grass..."

How about developing the area near the Petit Trianon, which is right next to it, like a park, just like the Temple of Love in history? That area already has a well-maintained lawn and is a place where Antoinette and I have had lunch together. I remember it well. We had a simple picnic there, with a dish of boiled vegetables on top of steamed chicken, seasoned with a vinaigrette sauce of vinegar and oil. Sometimes, from spring to autumn, we would lay out a picnic blanket for a change of pace and eat together. That area seems like the best place for exercise.

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