25. real life

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the pregnancy:

12 weeks-

Madeline already felt so uncomfortable; she has a small bump (hardly noticeable but there anyway), she was constantly having back pain, on the bright side, her morning sickness had begun to stop now and her boobs had never looked better.

Harry was a godsend, as usual. He always made sure she was comfortable and if she needed anything, he would do it because she was "carrying their baby" so she needed a break sometimes.

The baby was around the size of a plum; there was nothing much going on at this point in the pregnancy. She was at the end of the very first trimester, glad that part of the pregnancy was over.

*a little time skip so we can get to the important parts*

week 20:
Today they were finding out the gender! At 20 weeks the baby was the size of a banana, which, coincidentally, was Madelines biggest craving.

Excitement builded inside the couple as they couldn't wait to know if they were to have a daughter or a son.

They were doing the typical gender reveal, cake and all. They would have a private one, just them two so they could find out in a more intimate way. Then, they will a balloon prepared so they can reveal it to their families.

After they had the appointment, they dropped the piece of paper, that contained the gender, off at the bakery that was making the cake. Then they simply waited for it to be made. They pre-ordered, paying for two cakes knowing they would end up eating them both anyway, but only one cake, which had a label in big writing emphasising that was the correct one, knew if they were having a boy or a girl.

Madeline and Harry then drove to the place that was making the balloon for their family, making sure they have make the correct one. They would pick it up on the way to their house.

They drove to a secluded, solitary field knowing no one would bother them there. That's where they would find out if they were having a son or a daughter.

Placing the cake down gently: gently like it was their baby, they got comfortable, ready for their world to change.

"I'm ready whenever you are, darling," Harry spoke softly, his hand grazing her back.

So, they began to cut the cake together.

Lifting the knife up in anticipation, instantly Madeline's eyes were filled with pink. Shock overtook her and harry momentarily. Soon, they were wrapped in each other's arms, crying from happiness.

"thank you for giving me a daughter," Harry whispered in Madeline's ear softly as she was still crying.

"Technically, you made it a daughter," she replied, joking on.

After they had processed it all, they made the journey to the balloon shop and collected it, soon they were to tell their family of the baby girl that was soon entering their family.

As they pulled up at Madeline's parent's house, Harry pulled the balloon out, making whispers of excitement echo around.

Suddenly, they were stood in the living room, pins in hands, joy in the air, chants of 'do it'. Soon, they popped the enormous, black balloon, pink confetti littering the floor.

Cries of joy bounced off the walls as the family celebrated the joyous occasion.

That's how they spent the day, celebrating the baby girl and their parents.

week 30:
Over the past ten weeks, Harry and Madeline have been preparing for their daughter to arrive. Buying all the things a baby could possibly need, clothes, nappies, blankets, wipes, furniture- the lot.

Now, they were decorating her nursery; shades of muted pink and grey splattered over their clothes, two hand prints about the size of Harry's, lay on her bump (and boobs but who cares), as if they were protecting them, guarding the baby from all harm.

They had decorated the wall that her crib lay on with gorgeous daisies, leaving a spot for a sign with her name to be placed on.

Suddenly, it all felt real; they were having a baby together. Looking up at him, Madeline smiled softly to her husband, his arms around her ever-growing bump.

week 38:
It was almost time.

In two weeks Madeline would hit her full term mark, meaning the baby was ready to come any minute now.

She stood folding some last minute clothes into the baby's drawer and hospital bag, humming softly to herself, when she suddenly felt a cold liquid down her legs.

She had been having contractions for a week or so, but she thought they were Braxton Hicks, false labour. But she knew these ones were one hundred per cent real.

Screaming for Harry, Madeline griped the drawers in agony, begging for some relief from the immense pain she was feeling.

As fast as possible, Harry was at her side, letting her grip his hand, his other one on her back protectively.

Instantly, they were in the car, Madeline calling her Mum, begging her to get to the hospital so she could help her.

a/n: she's almost here!!!!! sorry this was so short but i am determined to finish this book before i get too busy with my mocks

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