Chapter 5: Popularity

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Ayanokoji POV

Today was a day many of my classmates were excited for. The Swimming class. Swimming is an activity where a person uses their limbs to propel themselves through the water. They mainly engage their lats, shoulders and legs for swimming and those who regularly practice swimming tend to get those features with time as they practice

I look towards my side as I see Horikita sitting and writing something down in her notebook, I didn't want to bother her. I looked toward the other boys in class as they were talking about something. Wait, maybe this is my chance to make some guy friends!

I make my way toward the group as I saw Yamauchi, Ike, Sotomura and Hondo. The girls were giving them weird looks but they didn't notice it

"Hello, what are you all doing?" I asked out of curiosity as Sotomura  looked toward me and chuckled

"Ah, Ayanokoji-dono, you have finally approached us. You desire to know our biddings?" Sotomura asked in a very formal fashion as I nodded

"Well Ayanokoji, we were betting on the girls!" Ike said excitedly as I nodded

Ah, they were betting on the races, I took a look around the class as I spotted a girl who had the build of a swimmer as well as her hands having the signature tan distinction that swimmer's tend to get due to swimming often.

"Well, how much to enter the bet?" I asked as they chuckled at me

"2000 points, the winner gets the entire sum" Yamauchi said as I nodded

"Well my bet is on Onodera" I said as they all looked at me confused

The girls were looking at our direction as they sneered at me, wait what did I even do

I looked toward Horikita as she had a angry and disappointed look on me, is she mad I didn't bet on her?

"Not someone like Kushida or Haruka?" asked Ike as I tilted my head to show my confusion

"Onodera is obviously an athlete, I think she would be the fastest girl in swimming from our class" I said as all the boys do a spit take which confused me further

Were they not betting on the swimming? did i mistake their intentions? did I already make myself such a fool that no one will ever want to talk to me?

"A-ayanokoji-" Yamauchi began as he was immediately stopped by a blue haired girl named Hasebe Haruka

"Stop. Don't." Hasebe said as Sotomura raised his hands in defense as I asked

"What happened? what's the problem?" I asked as Hasebe looked me in the eye and gripped my shoulders

"You shouldn't talk to those boys." she said firmly as I took a step back, away from her touch

what is she even doing? she got all up into my personal space without being my friend nor having permission

"May I ask what's the problem? I don't understand why you are telling me to stop talking to people" I say as I realized a lot of people were staring at me, I really don't like this.

"Just trust me, don't talk to those three. It isn't good for you. You can talk to me if you want instead." she said as she physically started dragging me away holding my arm as I am left in a daze

What is even happening? why am I getting dragged away from a conversation

"Let him go" I heard from my side as I looked surprisingly toward Horikita who had joined the conversation

"Huh? what's it to you?" Hasebe asked as Horikita glared at her, why am I still here? just to suffer?

"He can walk himself. No need to drag him. Ayanokoji, come here. It's break and you haven't ate." Horikita said as I realized she was right, I needed to eat

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