Epilogue: La Fin

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I awoke to my bed shaking violently. But over the years, I had somehow grown accustomed to it and didn't start panicking and screaming 'EARTHQUAKE' like I used to before. No. Nathan and Haley had decided to add this to my morning routine. Although it wasn't the most pleasant thing to wake up to, at least it got me out of bed.

Nathan's groan from next to me and his arm shifting from around my waist told me it was Haley this morning who had woken up first.

I finally opened my eyes and any kind of annoyance was wiped from me the second I laid eyes on my beautiful energetic girl, her dark long hair bouncing around as she treated our bed as a trampoline.

"You're finally up! Quick, you have to come to the door, there's someone here for you!" Haley yelled at me when she finally noticed my open eyes.

"Haley what did I tell you about opening the door to strangers?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"Why are you two even up at this ungodly hour?" Nathan groaned from beside me as Haley started tugging on my arm as she tried to get me out of bed.

"It's eleven o'clock." I said flatly to my idiot of a husband.

He responded with some unintelligible words before flipping onto his stomach and falling right back to sleep.

Before I could sit there and ogle at his amazing back muscles, the little ball of energy finally managed to pull me right out of my warm surroundings and onto the cold hardwood floor.

"Come on mommy, it's not nice to keep people waiting." Haley spoke to me as if she was my mother instead.

I shook my head at the crazy four year old. "Okay, but no more opening the doors without mommy or daddy okay?" I told her seriously.

"I didn't open it. I just heard a knock and yelled at the door that you were coming." Haley told me with a grin.

"Good girl." I chuckled, feeling nothing but love for my angel of a daughter. Nathan had truly given me all my greatest desires, and this little ball of energy was the best one yet.

Managing to grab my night robe and pull it on, Haley finally got me out the door, downstairs and to the front door all in a slim ten seconds.

She most definitely got her strength and physical endurance from Nathan. I tiredly pulled open the door and barely had time to react as I finally stood to face a strangely familiar face staring back at me in shock.

"Hello, you wanted to see me?" I said in confusion as I glanced down at the now shy Haley hiding behind my arm.

"Skylar, is that really you? Wow, you look great!" The lady who looked to be the same age as me exclaimed, taking in my thin nightgown barely covering my legs against the harsh cold wind. Sleeping in a tank top and shorts was not something I planned to do again. But it worked when you had a sexy human heater slash teddy bear next to you.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked with slight embarrassment.

The girl's blond hair and striking blue eyes seemed familiar, but I couldn't exactly remember from where.

"Oh, I wouldn't expect you to remember me, but I sure do remember you. After all, I kind of witnessed you being kidnapped like eight years ago." The familiar girl flipped her hair as she chatted and it suddenly clicked.

"Katy?" I asked in shock, my mouth hanging wide open as I stared at the girl who had been there when Nathan and I had our romantic first encounter. She had been Landon's current fling and had insulted me for buying a smoothie. Now I remembered. "What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask.

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