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Aster was flabbergasted. She didn't know how to take in whatever the fuck happened in the last hour. 'She was a soul daughter to the vampire kings.' She thought incredulously to herself. Such a weird feat could only be achieved by her.

Sanguini led her out of the throne room and took her back to her townhouse. He sat Aster down, who was still in a daze, and handed her a cup of tea.

"You're going to be okay Miss Aster?" He asked, his voice brimming with concern. "The kings, they're good people. Sure they feed on humans but they're loving and very considerate. At least to their coven." He added, trying to reassure Aster. "They wouldn't dare harm you. Or even think of it."

Aster pursed her lips, trying to calm herself. "I'm sure they're good people sanguini. But letting someone, or hell a few more people in my heart, in my life- I can't possibly deal with that."

Sanguini let out a sigh and patted her back. "This young and you've faced so much already. It breaks my heart to see the younger generations suffer.
Aster, my dear, you're going to be alright. Letting in a few people won't ruin them. You are a blessing, not a curse and you should never think bad about yourself," He stated, the corners of his mouth quirked up.

Mascara-tinged tears shimmered in Aster's eyes. She was so tired. She felt so burdened, so Saddled with responsibilities.

"Let it all out. Cry your heart out. I won't judge you," Sanguini whispered, gently stroking Aster's hair.

"You've accomplished it. You're finally free Aster. You raised your siblings. You've finished your job." He praised her.

Sobs racked Aster's body. She hid in Sanguini's embrace, tightly wrapping her hands around him who reciprocated the hug. Aster felt comforted.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, someone had praised her for raising her siblings like her own. All she ever wanted was validation. To feel loved by someone.

Her mother and Aunts had made her life hell. The amount of torture she had faced, just to keep her children safe. All she wanted was someone to comfort her, to save her from that hellish nightmare.

And when that one person comforted her, he turned out to be the dark lord. It broke her heart when she had to kill him. To save her family.

To Aster, Family was everything. She would do everything for them. But would they ever do something for her? She always felt conflicted because she had everyone's back but no one ever thought of having her back.

They always thought of her as immortal, ruthless, dangerous, and someone who survives no matter what so they didn't bother. But she was a living being too. She had feelings, she felt pain.

So when Sanguini uttered those words, it slid the lid right off. She had been keeping a lid on her feelings and tried her best to conceal them because she never wanted to worry her family, her kids. She sobbed her heart out.

"No one has ever said that to me. Am I such a monster like my mother used to say? I slaughtered the death eaters and Tom just to keep my family safe. Maybe Druella and Walburga were right. I don't deserve to live, to love. I am going to rot, " Aster cried out.

Sanguini silently listened to her speak and waited for her to finish. He wiped her tears and gently tilted her chin. He looked directly into her eyes.

"Darling, you're not a monster. Your whore of a mother and that aunt were the real monsters.
You deserve to live and most importantly love. You did the right thing, getting rid of that insane man and his followers.
And you kept your family safe, didn't you? You are a precious person to your family, to those Volturi kings, and to me. Never forget that." Sanguini explained, his voice laced with softness.

Aster's body shook as she heard him talk. She embraced Sanguini tightly. "Thank you for everything sanguini. I- will never forget what happened here today," She told sanguini, her voice coming out raspy and hoarse from crying.

"No need to thank me, sweet girl," Sanguini replied, his eyes crinkled as he smiled at her. "Now I'm taking you out to eat. Go wash those mascara tears." He said while shooing her off.

Aster let out a laugh, it sounded so beautiful, happy, and genuine.

"Always keep smiling Aster Black," Sanguini muttered under his breath as he watched Aster walk out of the room.

I'm so sorry for my lack of updates. I've just been obsessed with the supernatural and keep writing stories about them. Like I am fixated on a fic I'm writing about Lucifer and Michael. I'm just losing my mind.

I tried so hard to write this chapter. Took a lot out of me lol but it's a start. Now you're aware of Aster's mindset and she's depressed as hell. Sanguini is like her guardian angel. He'll play a great role in this story.

She's going to move in with the Volturis since she's decided to give them a shot.

Thank you all for reading. You can suggest things that you want to read in this story!

And I have a discord so if you wanna talk about this fic or like anything in gen you can join:D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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