Chapter 11

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I am only 15 minutes into what feels like the best workout of my life when my phone begins buzzing in the treadmill cup holder

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I am only 15 minutes into what feels like the best workout of my life when my phone begins buzzing in the treadmill cup holder.

I hope and pray it is Bray. Ever since the rumor started going around that our little tape mixup led to them running their asses off this morning, I have been waiting for him to say something.

I know he is pissed and I know he has been active on instagram nearly constantly lately, but with no new thirst traps posted so clearly he is on there doing something else. 

Not that I am keeping tabs.

Or saving his shirtless messy haired early morning instagram stories where his navy blue Michigan hockey shorts hang so low on his hips I am mere centimeters from knowing his lower grooming habits.

Ok... so I screenshot a single picture while I was finding embarrassing pictures and videos to put in the montage. He may be the enemy but I can't deny he is hot with his lean toned body and bright smile with those puppy dog eyes and that light bit of scruff along his jawline from a weekend of not shaving.

But I don't have a crush. I vowed off straight guys years ago and after the extensive stalking I did I can almost 100% confirm that no one on that team is gay. The rumor that a player was on grinder is likely just a rumor.

My phone continues to buzz; so I slow from a fast run to a jog, to prevent breaking my neck, while I read the string of messages that must be causing all this buzzing.

Sadly all my dreams of Bray cursing me out are left unfulfilled as I flip to find numerous calls from Maya instead. I check to see if she texted me what was wrong but instead just find a bunch of variations of my name.

As another one of her calls come through I end my glorious run and pick up the phone, already preparing to leave to help my bestie in crisis.

"Parker, oh god P you answered!"

"My, are you ok?" I ask in response to her frantic voice. I move a little faster toward the exit hearing her so worked up. For a moment I assumed it was guy drama but this is more than that.

"No! I grabbed lunch and then was going to go home but I can't find my key! It isn't here Parker, I lost them!"

"Hey, relax babes, we will find them. You probably left them in the apartment earlier, I am sure it is fine. I am on my way, let me know where you are and we'll go home together to look."

"I am so sorry P but Luna is in class and Fran's skating."

"Don't sweat it, you save my ass constantly."

I stay on the phone as I hustle across campus to where Maya is. When I find her she looks so defeated I think a little bit of my heart breaks.

"My dad texted me about going to dinner tonight," she says meekly when I grab her and hug her.

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