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Part 2

Who would have suspected that I would run into Smoker again, and this time it was because I was working with Luffy. I had found myself getting lost in a snowstorm, and decided to take shelter in a cave.

"How did I know I'd run into you?" A deep voice said, causing my head to snap up.

My eyes went wide as I saw Smoker staring at me, with his recruit; Tashigi.

"How do I always end up running into you? You know some would think that you were in love with me, Vice Admiral." I said as I let out a laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Tashigi exclaimed.

I raised an eyebrow as I saw her cheeks bright red.

It was weird that she replied to me, and it was strange that she sounded like... no.

In a instant a laugh spilled from my lips. I was forced to hold my sides as I hunched over.

"You two switched bodies!" I exclaimed as I covered my mouth.

"Damn it! It isn't funny!" He yelled as I held back tears.

"Sir, you're only aging her in." Tashigi said with a sigh.

"Oh, I have to know... is it big or small?" I asked as I threw an arm around Tashigi's shoulders.

Her, or Smoker's face, turned bright red and she looked away from me.

"I'm not giving you an answer." She hissed as I let out another laugh.

"Aw! But I thought we were friends." I teased as I ran my hand up her arm.

I reached up and started to ruffle her hair up, which seemed to piss off Smoker.

"Stop doing that!" Smoker yelled as I toyed with his hair.

"Tashigi doesn't mind, right Tashigi?"

"I actually do." She said as she let out a sigh.

"Stop touching my body, damn it!" Smoker yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"It's just your hair. Sadly Tashigi has your coat button up." I said as I toyed with his coat.

"When I get my body back... I'm going to strangle you with my bare hands!" Smoker yelled as I moved away from Tashigi, who looked like she would pass out.

A day later

Everything turned out okay in the end, and I was about to leave with Luffy; when a hand grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

"Oh no you don't. You and I aren't finished." Smoker growled as I stared up at him.

I let out a yelp as he dragged me behind him, a frown on his face.

"Where are we going?" I asked as fear coursed thru me.

"You will find out soon enough! I'm sick and tired of you teasing me!" He snapped as I waved goodbye to my crew.

"Should we stop him?" Law asked with a frown.

"No, I think they are finally about to bang." Zoro said as he let out a chuckle.

"What!? (Y/n)! How could you pick him!" Sanji exclaimed as Smoker picked me up.

"Sanji! Go fuck yourself!" I yelled as Smoker carried me into a cave.

Smoker threw me to the ground, casing me to let out a squeak.

"Could you be gentl-"

I was cut off by him grabbing a hold of my face and smashing his lips against mine. I let out a yelp as I grabbed onto his coat. My eyes went wide as he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. Slowly but surely I felt my eyes close and my arms moved to his neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. After what felt like forever we broke apart and I tried to catch my breath.

"Remind me.... To flirt with Tashigi more." I breathed out.

"Don't you dare." He hissed as he tightened his grip on my hips.

I let out a laugh and leaned my forehead against his, a giant grin on my face.

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