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She'd just broken her fast when a loud shout carried through the Inlands.

Judging by the cheery chants, it sounded like the Inlanders had something huge to celebrate. She looked in askance at Maeve, who looked even more confused than she was.

The people got closer, and she realized it was her name that was being chanted. Queen Vannie, Queen Vannie, like she'd won a battle for them.

Zara burst into her chambers immediately the voices became audible. "The Inlanders wish to hold court with the Queen."

That announcement seemed to bring everyone in the room into action. There was no time to ask questions, because suddenly, she was being shoved into a different, more flowy gown than the one she'd been wearing, and her hair was being arranged into an elaborate updo.

She was then ushered out of her chambers. She walked into the Great Hall, Maeve and Zara in tow, and of course, every Inlander as far as her eyes could reach were on their knees. She tried for a smile and wasn't sure she succeeded.

"Inlanders," Maeve called, coming to Vannie's rescue because she hadn't been sure how to proceed, "why have you asked to see the Queen?"

They came back to their feet. Vannie caught sight of Greer coming forward, a female with a swaddled bundle in tow, and really, she should have seen this coming. "Your Majesty," Greer called, all wide grin and bright eyes, "this is my mate, Tammie, and our little pup. And these are our well-wishers who have come to pay homage."

Greer took the young one from his mate, and the female bowed low, eyes wet with tears. They were happy tears, of course. Her pup was a tiny, black-haired girl. Beautiful black-haired girl.

Vannie's throat almost closed up with emotion, but it was nothing she couldn't control with well placed pinches inside her palm.

"You gave birth only yesterday. You shouldn't be outside your home already."
But that rule obviously didn't apply to females of the Inlands. With how strong they were built, they could probably go to battle the same day they delivered twin pups.

"We wanted you to do us the honors of naming our daughter," Tammie replied, hope brimming in her expression."

Whispers and silent tears were going happening around her. The Queen saved the child. The child shall be named after the Queen. Tammie was crying in earnest now. "Bless you, your Majesty."

"We couldn't stop checking her pup's breathing patterns after she was born,"
Greer confided excitedly. "We could hardly believe she was around."

"She'll be around for a long time," Vannie assured. "Nobody needs to name the child after me. I barely did anything."

But Tammie got this determined look on her face, and she knew nothing short of a King's order would stop the pup from getting named after her. Even then, the child would probably still be called that in the confines of their home.

She softened her voice for the mother. "I'd be glad if you respect my wishes."

She turned to leave amidst the reverent gazes and complete silence. Tammie's voice floated to her before she could completely disappear. "Your Majesty, I know—we don't deserve this, but we—I would really like it if you'd come visit us sometime." Her voice trembled at the last word, and Vannie heart made a similar motion. Everyone here knew that the pup's father had hurt Vannie. Yet, they looked up to her, begging with their eyes.

Her own eyes were beginning to sting. She had to get out of there. Fast. She tried again with the smile, wanting it to be half-apologetic, half-determined, and she held herself in control to make it happen.

"I'm needed at the apothecary. I have to make more salves for the. . .the wounded." It was an excuse. There were no wounded. Everyone could see it, but no one dared call her out on it. Tammie's gaze fell in utter disappointment, and Vannie could see that the woman had put her heart out with the request.

She couldn't watch anymore. Before the Inlanders could make some half-assed attempt to accept her excuse gracefully, she made her escape.

Sin was waiting for her outside the private door she'd come in through, a lopsided grin on his mouth. She was not even surprised that her trigger reaction was to smile back at him, and it took more effort than usual to bite it back. At this point, almost a week after Sin had had complete access to her body and yet, refused to mark or mate with her, she could admit that she was thawing.

That she'd thawed. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't her doing. She could feel the parts of her at war with each other. Her fae, rational side was fighting tooth and nail to hold on to her hatred, but her wolf side was gone.

She was gone, and she hated it, even as it felt as natural as breathing.

Obviously, she still had a lot of things to work through. She couldn't get over the agony of four moons just like that, her wolf side be damned. And there was also the matter of Enoch to talk to Sin about.
But she knew now that the last thing she wanted to do was to kill the King, so that was a start.

"Hello, Sinclair."

His eyes darkened at her use of his given name as usual, and this time, she could keep her smile to herself. "Why are you here?"

He shrugged lightly, moving with the flow as if she wasn't the same person that vehemently rejected his touch the last time they were together. "Because I heard the Queen was holding court. I came to give some support. Even though I knew she wouldn't need it."

She bit her lip. "That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you." The words felt like tar mixed with broken glass coming out of her mouth. It was that damned wolf again, pitying Sin, making her do things she'd rather not.

His eyes turned assessing. And for that moment where he held her eyes, she had this disconcerting feeling that he could see into her soul. "Did anything go wrong in there?"

She shook her head. "Other than the fact that I'm now certain about how damaged I am? Nothing."

He very clearly wanted to come closer and hold her, but maybe in deference of her warning the last time he tried, he kept his distance. "What's wrong, Vannie?"

It was her turn to shrug. "I don't think I'll ever be comfortable enough with the Inlanders. Or in the Inlands. I just feel like a stranger. And I clearly have all this anger and hate that I need to get over. It's always going to be a barrier between me and your people."

"They're your people, too," he whispered, immediately seeking to placate. "And you know what that means? It means they know exactly what you need and how to give it to you, no matter how long it takes. It means they'll keep coming back to you, because they're built to want your love. It means when you're finally ready to accept them, they'll be here."

She was blinking back tears again. Dear Goddess, she hated this, but she nodded. "I'll definitely need some time to let that fully sink in, I guess."

It would never sink in. But she wanted this conversation done with and said the thing that'd end it.

He smiled, one so soft and sweet that she didn't know how to look away from. "Zara still has your tracking spell?"
"Yes. I'm going to the apothecary."

He didn't offer to follow her, maybe because he knew she wouldn't let him. She wasn't joking about needing some time to take in his words, and maybe weep a little for their future.

And it was also for the best that he didn't follow her, because Crom was waiting for her when she got there, and he had big news to share.

"We kill the King. Tonight."

Dark Alpha: A Fated Mates NovelWhere stories live. Discover now