A New Start

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The Hogwarts Express had transported them through the enchanting landscapes of the wizarding world, but the final leg of their journey awaited them. The train came to a gentle halt at Hogsmeade Station, a charming and picturesque stop nestled among rolling hills. As first-year students, Harry and Ron, along with their wide-eyed peers, gathered their belongings in eager anticipation of stepping onto the grounds of the renowned wizarding school.
Hagrid stood at the front of the carriages. His massive frame and bushy beard bristled in the crisp air, his eyes shining with excitement. His voice carried like distant thunder as he addressed the group.
"Alright, everyone," Hagrid boomed with a grin. "Time to follow me. We've got a bit of a walk ahead, but don't you worry, it's worth it!"
With hearts pounding and curiosity aflame, the students obediently followed Hagrid. He led them away from the train station and onto a winding path that ventured into the depths of the dense forest. Ancient trees, their gnarled branches reaching out as if to welcome them, cast playful shadows on the forest floor.
As they journeyed deeper into the woods, the path widened, revealing a breathtaking sight—the Great Lake. Its calm and pristine waters stretched out before them, mirroring the hues of the setting sun. The students stood at the water's edge, awestruck by the sheer beauty of the scene.
A fleet of small, wooden boats floated gently on the lake's surface, their lanterns aglow with warm, inviting light. Hagrid, standing at the shore, gestured toward the boats.
"Four to a boat," he instructed, his smile as wide as ever. "Find a seat, and we'll head across to Hogwarts together."
Most of the boats were already partly filled. Ron, with a charming smile and a twinkle in his eyes, approached a boat occupied by two fellow first-year students, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. Lavender's long, wavy hair cascaded like a waterfall, and Parvati's dark eyes sparkled with curiosity. Ron turned to Harry, who was beside him, and asked in a friendly and inviting manner, "Can we join you lovely ladies?" His words were accompanied by a gracious gesture toward the available seats in their boat.
Lavender and Parvati exchanged surprised yet delighted glances, their cheeks tinged with amusement and appreciation for Ron's gallant approach. They gladly made room for Harry and Ron, transforming the boat into a cozy space where laughter and camaraderie flowed freely.
Ron, ever the outgoing one, seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation. "So, first year at Hogwarts," he began with a friendly grin. "Exciting stuff, isn't it?"
Lavender and Parvati exchanged smiles and giggles, instantly feeling at ease with Ron's easy going manner. "Absolutely," Lavender replied with a musical lilt. "We've been looking forward to this for ages!"
Ron's polite and affable demeanor had won them new both friends. As the boat glided gracefully across the tranquil waters, the four of them continued to chat, sharing stories and getting to know one another. Ron's humor and wit soon had them all laughing, and any lingering nervousness about starting school at Hogwarts began to dissipate.
The moon began its ascent into the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the lake's surface. Hogwarts Castle, perched majestically atop a hill, came into view. Its towering turrets and countless windows glimmered with the warm, inviting light from within.
Ron's heart swelled with a profound sense of awe and wonder. The castle's magnificence, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight and framed by the shimmering stars, was nothing short of breathtaking. Its ancient stone walls seemed to whisper tales of centuries past, and the turrets and towers reached for the heavens, as if inviting them to explore its secrets.
Ron couldn't help but feel as if the castle's magic had enveloped him in a warm embrace, a silent greeting that seemed to say, "Welcome back, Ron." It was a sensation he couldn't quite put into words, but it filled him with a sense of belonging and nostalgia, as if he had returned to a place he had always known.
The conversation among Harry, Lavender, Parvati, and Ron slowly lulled as they all became entranced by the castle's beauty. The boat glided smoothly toward the castle's shore, and the only sound that filled the air was the gentle lapping of water against the boat's hull.
Under the vast, starry sky and the watchful gaze of the moon, they all sat in quiet reverence, their eyes fixed on the majestic Hogwarts Castle. It was a moment of shared wonder.
As they disembarked from the boat and set foot on the castle's shore, Ron couldn't help but exchange awestruck glances with Harry, Lavender, and Parvati. They had arrived at their new home, and the castle's beauty had left an indelible mark on their hearts.
Hagrid's booming voice broke the spell of the moment. "There she is, Hogwarts Castle," he declared proudly. "Your new home for the next seven years."
The journey through the passageway led by Hagrid had been an adventure in itself, with twists and turns through rocky terrain. But now, it had finally brought them to a breathtaking revelation—the towering presence of Hogwarts Castle. Ron couldn't help but stand in awe, his eyes fixed on the castle that loomed before them.
Hagrid led the group of first-year students up the stone steps that led to the castle's grand entrance. They followed him with a sense of wonder, like eager ducklings following their mother. The castle's towering walls seemed to embrace them, and the promise of magic hung in the air.
With a powerful knock that resonated through the entrance hall, Hagrid announced their arrival. The echoes of his knock seemed to bounce off the ancient stone walls, and the students exchanged nervous glances.
As the massive oak doors swung open, Professor McGonagall stood there, stern and dignified. She was every bit as strict as Ron remembered her, her emerald-green robes adding to her air of authority. However, she appeared considerably younger than when Ron had last seen her.
Hagrid introduced the first-year students to Professor McGonagall, and she acknowledged their presence with a nod. Ron followed her, along with Harry and the other students, into the entrance hall. The grandeur of the castle's interior left him breathless.
The stone walls were adorned with flaming torches, casting warm, flickering light that danced on the surface. The ceiling was so high that it seemed to disappear into the heavens. Before them, a magnificent marble staircase stretched upward.
As they followed Professor McGonagall across the flagged stone floor, Ron could hear the faint murmur of voices coming from a doorway to the right. It was evident that the rest of the school had already assembled. The sense of anticipation grew with each step, and the first-year students stood closer together than they usually would, their nervousness palpable.
In a small chamber off the hall, Professor McGonagall addressed the newcomers, emphasizing the importance of the Sorting Ceremony and the significance of the four Houses. The first years listened attentively.
With a nod, Professor McGonagall left the chamber, leaving the first-year students to their nerves and anticipation. Ron turned to Harry, who was clearly feeling anxious. In an attempt to provide reassurance, he whispered, "Don’t worry, Harry. I don't think the sorting ceremony will be hard. They haven't taught us anything yet. I suppose it might be more of a personality quiz."
Just then, in an unexpected twist, the room filled with a startling sight. Ghostly figures, about twenty of them, had materialized, streaming through the back wall. They were pearly-white and slightly transparent, and they glided through the room, seemingly in the midst of a spirited argument.
Ron leaned over to Harry, his sense of wonder undiminished, and explained in a hushed tone, "Those are the Hogwarts ghosts. Each house has one. Wicked, aren't they?" Ron's grin was infectious, and Harry found himself feeling calmer amidst the magical chaos that surrounded them.
As they watched the ghosts engage in their ethereal conversation, the students couldn't help but exchange curious glances and even share a few nervous laughs.
"Now, form a line," Professor McGonagall was back, her tone firm yet composed. Ron fell in line right behind Harry, their anticipation growing by the second. The anticipation was electric, as they followed their strict yet caring professor.
They walked out of the small chamber, traversing the impressive entrance hall of Hogwarts, and passed through a grand pair of double doors into the magnificent Great Hall. Ron's breath caught as he took in the sight that unfolded before him.
The Great Hall was a spectacle of enchantment. Countless candles floated in midair, casting warm and flickering light over four long tables where the older students were already seated. These tables were adorned with glittering golden plates and goblets that shimmered in the candlelight. At the head of the hall, another long table was occupied by the Hogwarts staff, who sat with an air of wisdom and authority.
Professor McGonagall led the first years to the front of the hall, where they came to a halt in a straight line facing the rest of the students, while the teachers loomed behind them. The sea of faces, hundreds of them, seemed like pale lanterns in the wavering candlelight. Among the students, the Hogwarts ghosts moved, appearing like misty silver specters.
As they took their places, Ron couldn't help but overhear Hermione's whisper to Lavender, "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in 'Hogwarts, A History.'" He smiled fondly at her typical Hermione moment. She always seemed to have a bookish fact at the ready.
The illusion of the ceiling, reflecting the night sky, was astonishing. It felt as though they were sitting beneath the open heavens, surrounded by the brilliance of stars.
Their attention was soon captured by a peculiar stool placed in front of them, upon which perched a pointed wizard's hat—the Sorting Hat. The anticipation in the hall was palpable, and then, to everyone's surprise, the hat began to sing.
The Sorting Hat's melodic voice filled the Great Hall:

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