Chapter 19

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I lay in bed thinking about the events of yesterday, the memories flashing back before my eyes. I can still feel their tutch on my body, and it's like i can see them everywhere. The bed feels like the concrete flooring, cold and hard. I don't know how much longer i can live like this, memories always reapearing. Not knowing when i'll see them next, always living in fear of the unknown.

I feel my body starting to shake, my breathing getting faster, and tears falling from my eyes. It's happening again, I've lost count but this is probably the tenth time today. My breathing gets faster and faster by the seconds, and I can feel my whole body getting sweaty. The sheets turning wet, as i roll around in an etempt of calming down. I hate how my life went from perfect to a living nightmare in just a few hours, and the fact that there is nothing I can do about it.


As i wake up, I find Julie on the other side of the bed. Further away than normaly. Any other day we whould have woken up in eachothers embrace, but not today. Not after yesterday. I turn too look at her, my hand brushing against hers in the prosess. The way she flinches at my tutch makes me want to punch someone, or something. Not because I'm mad at her, but because I hate what they did to her.

There's a knock on the bedroom door, and I stand up to get dressed before opening the door.

"Good morning" Liam says

"Good morning, what's up?" It's not a good morning, but I put on a fake smile as I close the door behind me.

"I'm bored" He says looking up at me with the cutest eyes i've ever seen.

"How about I drive you to uncle Arthur, and maybe you guys can go boating?"

"But i wan't to spend some time with you daddy"
I hate to have to say no to him, but today I really need to focus on Julie's well being.

"I'm so sorry Liam, but it's not a great time. I promise I'll make it you, ok?" I say, making sure that he knows that im truly sorry.

"Ok, I'll go to uncle Arthur's"

"Thank you"
We get into the car, and i quickly drop him of before heading back to Julie's. Honestly I hate myself for what happend to her. I should have been there, I should have protected her. Instead I was at her apartment chilling on the couch.

When I finally get back, and decide to make some breakfast. Julie might not be at the best state now, but it's still important with food for the both of us. I find some eggs, and decide to scramble them.

Breakfast is almost ready when I here her screams "Those aren't from a panick attac" I think to myself, before rushing towards the bedroom. I quickly open the door, and turn into shock when I see her.


"Omg Julie, you're bleading" Lando says looking at me in shock.

The pain in my stomach can only be described as a very painful period cramp, which shouldn't be possible since I'm pregnant.

"It's ok Julie, you'll be fine. You hear me?" I nod, unable to make out a single word. Before I know, Lando picks me up into his strong arms and rush towards the car. The whole car ride is very fuzzy, and my vision gets blurrier and blurrier. Before I know it, I find myself in a hospital bed. Lando's sitting next to me, holding my hand. A doctor walks in, and I can already tell that something is wrong.

"Miss Leclerc and Mr Norris?" He looks at us both, clearly not wanting to tell us the news.

"Yes?" We both say at the same time.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but you've had a miscarriage" I squeeze Lando's hand tightly, before letting out my tears.

"No" A small whisper leaves my mouth, only a few seconds after I find myself in Lando's tight embrace.

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