Sonya Blade: The Fearsome Damsel

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After leaving from the bridge, Sonya ventured back into the temple keeps as she was using the tracking system to find who she was looking for. Traversing through the island she found herself in a dungeon of some sort as she crept through the darkness of the walls, staying to the shadows as to not be seen. As she continued walking, she saw some sort of prison that looked to be empty, but her tracker led her to this area.

Sonya: Jax? Jax, you in here?

She called out to the man as she walked around the corner and towards the cells. As she looked around the area she saw the distinctive bodies and an awful smell that made her want to cover her nose instantly. But as she walked she soon found Jax standing inside of a cell as he held onto the bars with his head hung down.

Sonya: Oh my god. Jax.

She quickly walks over going to check on him as she saw he was bruised up and badly injured.

Sonya: What did they do to you?

She asked him as he raised his head up weakly to look at her.

Jax: Run girl, run.

He said weakly as from behind Sonya, Shang Tsung and his guards armed with spears and staffs as they walked over to them.

Shang Tsung: Miss Blade! You do not disappoint. I have been expecting you.

Sonya: Let him go! We're not art of your tournament.

Shang Tsung: On the contrary, you are very much a contestant. Sonya Blade you will face, Sub-Zero- of the Lin Kuei clan of assassins.

He announces as from the middle of the floor ice mysteriously begins to freeze up the ground as it formed into the shape of a man. Suddenly, the ice shatters as it revealed the ice-cold assassin, Sub-Zero, as he looks towards Sonya breathing out through his mask as she could see his breath.

Seeing this Sonya walks over to the floor standing across from him as she watches him get in his stance.

Sub-Zero: Now, you will feel death's cold embrace.

Sonya: Over my dead body.

Sub-Zero: That, can be arranged.

He says as Sonya scoff as she got in her fighting stance. Starting the fight off she blasted two energy blasts at Sub-Zero as he grunted in pain. Taking the initiative she ran towards him as she kicked him in the face and then stomped on his foot as she dealt a heavy left hook. As Sub-Zero stumbled back Sonya shot another blast at him knocking him to his back as he quickly rose to his feet. Once he did he blasted a beam of ice and cold at her feet freezing her ankles as she couldn't even move.

Sonya: Nngh! What the hell?

She exclaimed only for Sub-Zero to step forward as he punched her in the stomach and then dealt a heavy left hook to her face. He then grabbed her releasing her from the ice as he tossed her over his shoulder as she rolled along the ground. As Sonya stood back up she wiped the side of her mouth as she glared at Sub-Zero as he started walking towards her breathing out from within his mask. Holding his hand out ice began to form in his hand as he sent a ice blast towards Sonya as she jumped over the attack and attacked from above by grabbing him with both of her legs and tosses him down to the floor. As she stood back up she held her arm gauntlets out as she blasted him back to his feet as he stumbled back.

Quickly Sonya ran towards him as she performs a cartwheel as she kicks him on impact. Once he fell his body bounced off of the ground as Sonya delivered a high-kick and then proceeded to wrap her leg around his neck bringing him back to her as she punched him in the face and then slammed him to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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