- chapter four

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 — JACOB had gone AWOL

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— JACOB had gone AWOL. Completely ignoring his friends now, including Bella. "Brooke." Brooke's bedroom door swung open and Bella stood on the other end.

"Wanna come hiking with me?" Brooke nodded hesitantly. "Uh sure." They drove in Bella's truck to a spot. Climbing out and beginning the walk.

Walking through the familiar forest.

As they arrived at the clearing, Bella sunk to her knees tears threatened to leave her eyes. Brooke watched her sister with a solemn look. She went to speak but closed her mouth when they heard a twig snap close.

Looking up, Bella and Brooke were met with Laurent's figure. Laurent was one of the vampires Bella had encountered when she was first with the Cullens. Brooke was there too, yet she had stayed with Esme and Carlisle seeing as Brooke wasn't the one James wanted.

"Laurent?" Bella spoke as she stood, Brooke stood rigid behind bella.

"Bella." He walked closer. "I must admit, i didnt expect to find you here." He then looked at Brooke as she inched closer to Bella.

"I went to visit the Cullens but the house was empty." He walked closer. "I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a...pet of theirs?"

"Y-Yeah, you could say that." Bella stuttered. Brooke held her sisters hand in case they needed to run. Not like they would make it, but it was worth a try.

"Do the Cullens visit often?"

"Yeah, absolutely, all the time." Bella answered trying to sound convincing but Brooke knew better. "I'll tell them that you stopped by, but I probably shouldn't tell Edward, cause he's pretty protective."

"But he's far away isn't he?"

"Why are you here?" She asked, tired of the small talk. "I came as a favor to Victoria." Laurent answered.


"She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate given he killed hers. An eye for an eye." Brooke squeezed Bella's hand in fear.

"Edward would know who did it. And he'd come after you." Bella threatened trying to sound brave.

"I don't think he will. After all how much could you mean to him, if he left you here unprotected?" He said.

"Victoria won't be happy about my killing you. But I can't help myself, you are so mouthwatering. You're sister is also only a bonus." He added and Brooke gasped covering her mouth with her free hand her eyes glistening with tears.

"Please don't. I mean you helped us."

Laurent sped in front of them, shushing them. One hand going to Bella's cheek and the other to her own. "Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully, wheress i'll make it quick." He removed his hands and whispered.

"I promise. You will feel nothing."

He stepped back and Brooke let out a small cry. "Edward, I love you. Brooke i'm so sorry." Bella whispered as she held her twin sisters hand.

Brooke cried quietly squeezing her eyes shut preparing myself.

The sound of twig's snapping filled the clearing, A large Black wolf steps out and growls at Laurent.

"I...don't believe it." Laurent said in a starstruck daze.

Four more wolves step out behind the black wolf, a Russet-Brown wolf stands by Bella while a Dark-Silver one stands by Brooke.

Brooke looked into it's eyes and something about them made them seem so familiar. Only holding the stare for a moment before both wolves ran after their Alpha who had began to chase Laurent.

Bella and Brooke ran the opposite way.

As they ran holding hands, Bella let go for a moment. In that one moment Brooke tripped over something and fell. Bella didn't hear her and kept running, thinking she was after her.

Hitting her head on a tree root when she hit the ground, causing everything to go dark.

Jared had been the one to find Brooke, unconscious. "Sam!" He called for his Alpha who quickly arrived, followed by Paul.

Seeing his imprint unconscious on the ground, the boy quickly picked her up into his arms. "We'll take her back to Emily's and inform Chief Swan we found her." Sam said and they nodded.

Back at Emily's, Brooke woke up letting out a groan, touching her head.

"Hey..." Emily said softly as she came into view. "W-Who are you?" Brooke sat up slowly, taking the cup of water that Emily held out for her to take.

"I'm Emily, Sam's fiancee."

"Sam? How'd I get here?" Brooke questioned, the last thing she remembered was the clearing, Laurent, and the Wolves.

Furrowing her brows in thought, Brooke always said she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. But she wasn't completely dumb. Embry disappearing only coming back with a tattoo and short hair. Jacob now going down that same route.

Jared, Paul, and Sam having the same tattoo.

As soon as Jacob had gone AWOL, she had taken it upon herself to do some research. The legends of the Quileute shapeshifters were something she had read about.

"Who brought me here?" Brooke asked Emily. "Sam and the boys were out running, said they found you passed out."

The only person near her was Bella. The boys never went that way to just run.

That's when the realization kicked in. They were the wolves, that explained everything. The short hair, body heat, Laurent being a vampire which is why they were in the clearing.

She looked up as she heard Sam enter.

"It's you..." Her eyes squinted as she met his dark ones. "You were there, the wolves.."

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