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I sat on the bench, watching as everyone made their way towards the Cafeteria. I have tried to catch König for the past few days but was unsuccessful. It was like he was avoiding me, I wasn't sure though.

Ghost on the other hand didn't bother hiding the fact that he was ignoring me. Outside of training I couldn't catch as little as a glimpse of him.

Sarah had barely any time to hang out with me, so I was left completely alone. I lied down, looking up at the sky as the sun shined into my eyes.

Did both the task force and KorTac lost interest in me? Was it because I got sick? Maybe it was for the better. I thought of Königs puppy eyes, the time we talked on the roof top.

He was cute. Lovely. Why did he call me Darling? Did König actually like me?

Suddenly Ghost appeared in my mind, how his eyes were staring at my lips. How hungry he looked at that moment, how his hands seemed to perfectly fit in my curves.

How I pretended to moan in front of him.


I opened my eyes to see... Soap?


"I told you to call me Soap. Shade."

"You are blocking my sun."

"This is Price's catch? I didn't know she owns the sun."

I sat up upon hearing the new voice.

"Shade, huh? I'm Gaz."

He was another person I have seen around during training.

"Why act coy? You already made a background check on me anyway."

Both of them looked at each other and laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Background check? I barely managed to get your name!"

What? Did Soap not get to see my files?

"Price is the only one who has any info on you, he wouldn't let anyone else touch it."

"Not even Ghost?"

"No. That's why we all wanted to see what's the big deal is. But it looks like you aren't all that great as you seemed."

I stared at Gaz, but after let out a sigh after a moment.

"Yup, nothing too great. So go and leave me be."

Soap sat next to me with a stupid grin.

"Why aren't you at the cafeteria?"

"I wasn't hungry."

I am such a good liar.

"Want to come hang out with us?"

I looked at both of them. What are they planning?

"Why would I?"

"Let's call it a... date?"

Soap placed his arm around my shoulders.

"A date?"

"To get to know you better. And. Us, as well."

Gaz chirped in.

"Hah, no way-"

"We have alcohol."

"Count me in."


Soon enough I found myself in Gaz's room. The first to speak was Soap.

"So, Y/N. What brought you to the military?"

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