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The ship groaned and settled down next to the Marauder. The Bad Batch were off towards their ship as soon as the landing ramp descended, eager to finally get out of this place; only Hunter, Omega and I stayed behind.

"You should come visit us sometime." Omega seemed to be the only one with a lasting impression of the Martez sisters. They both crouched, Rafa even reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately.

"Isn't that part of Ord Mantell kind of..." Trace trailed off, searching for the right word. "Seedy?"

"Very." Omega grinned with excitement. "It's great!"

"Keep working on that bow, kid." Rafa rose to her feet, the silent goodbye clear as day.

"I will. Bye!" She waved and ran off towards the others, Wrecker hoisting her onto his shoulder with a loud laugh. Trace grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to the side, leaving Rafa and Hunter to their own conversation.

"You were going to save her." Trace looked pointedly at me, indicating Omega on Wrecker's shoulder. "Why didn't you?"

"I helped you pull her up." I folded my arms obstinately.

"You know what I mean. With your Jedi powers or whatever they are. I saw your hand. You would have used it to save her."


"Just cut the crap, Astera." Rafa appeared at her sister's shoulder. "We know who you are. Why didn't you help the kid?"

My jaw clenched hard, lips pressing tight. No matter how much dissuading I made, they just would not take no for an answer. It was useless at this point anyway; Trace had already seen my face. She knew who I was. I wasn't even sure why I was still trying.

"I can't," I finally hissed. "The Empire thinks the Jedi are dead. I can't go saving everyone I want to with my lightsabers or the Force. It's not safe, for me or anyone around me."

"Wow." Rafa gave me a look. "Who knew the Jedi could be so selfish."

"I'm not a Jedi anymore," I growled back. "Even then, there's just not much use helping anyone if the first time will get you killed."

"We know someone," Trace said eagerly. "He can help you save people again. To make a difference. You could be a Jedi again. You could fight."

"No. I can't. I won't. Not in the times we're in right now." I didn't mention that the cause I had fought for last turned out to be worthless in the end. I was sick of war, of fighting. All I had learned from it was that it was pointless. I wanted my own life, away from it all.

"So what?" Rafa demanded incredulously. "You say you want to save, but you won't fight? You're going to run these shady missions instead? As what, hired muscle? With clones of all people?"

I glanced back at the Bad Batch, prepping their ship to leave. None of the words that rolled off my tongue next were pleasant, but they held the unfortunate truth. "I am tired of fighting. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Being a Jedi right now means certain death. The Empire would have me dead before I could make any difference at all. Besides, I owe my employer my life. If working with clones means paying off my debt, it's what I have to do."

Rafa and Trace both looked at the group of clones. Rafa folded her arms, giving me a dirty look. "I think you're just scared."

"And so what if I am? This is not a time that a Jedi of all people can be selfless. I can't help anyone if I'm dead."

Trace flinched slightly, her expression softening with a look at her sister. "Ahsoka was like that, remember? We used to be like that."

Rafa scowled. "I know. It's the only reason I'm not gonna punch her lights out."

I smiled grimly underneath the helmet. "Nice to see you too, Rafa."

"Yeah, yeah." Even she could not stop her angry expression slipping. "Stay safe out there."

"Do me a favour." I called out as they were heading up the ramp. "Do some good out there. Make a difference."

"We will!" Trace called back as the ramp began to rise. Rafa gave an affirming nod, waving to Omega behind me before the ship rose and disappeared into the sky. I turned away, walking back to the Marauder.

"You know them or something?" Echo asked, hard suspicion edging his tone. I waved a hand dismissively.

"Our paths have crossed before." I didn't bother to elaborate, dropping down onto the first crate I could with a quiet groan. The first rest I'd gotten in hours. My head leaned back onto the wall, eyes slowly drifting shut. I could still feel his mistrustful gaze on me, but I ignored it, keeping my head firmly in place with my eyelids closed.

The ship rumbled to life a minute later, leaving the planet behind us and blasting into hyperspace.

Jedi Fugitive (The Bad Batch)Where stories live. Discover now