part 3

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3. Illness.

I walk into our bedroom after I hear my husband sneeze a few times. He's sitting up in the bed when I get there, without a shirt on and the tip of his nose red from where he's been rubbing at it. I frown. "Are you okay?"

His voice is a little nasally as he says: "no, I think I'm sick."

Concern washes over me immediately and I rush to his side, setting my palm on his forehead. I pull it back. "You're burning up. Here, you stay in bed and I'll go make you some soup."

I rush out of the room and return a few minutes later with soup. I sit beside him, and he curls an arm around my waist tiredly. I frown again, wiping hair back that's slicked to his forehead with sweat. He goes to take it off of me, but stops when I begin to feed it to him, deciding that he shouldn't have to move a muscle. Once he's finished, I dim the lights and put a headache soother over his head. He falls asleep, and I exhale a small breath before getting ready for bed myself. I've just finished taking my makeup off when I hear his exhausted voice.

"Talia!" He shouts.

I rush out of the bathroom and into our bedroom again.

"Can you get me some water?"

I grab a glass of ice cold water and return to him, passing it to him. He drinks some and passes it back to me. I set it on the bedside table and cover him with a blanket. He wraps his arms around me again and tucks me into his side, laying his hand on my butt. I look up at him. "What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Just stay here." He replies, kissing my forehead. "Would you cancel dinner with your friends and stay?"

"Of course, let me message them." I'm a little disappointed since he gave me permission to go last week and I've been excited ever since, but he's more important than a day out. I tell them I won't be able to come anymore and lay back down. I press my hand to the side of his face and he turns his head to kiss my palm. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you more."

"Why don't I make you your favourite meal and we can have a quiet night in?" I suggest.

"Okay." He responds.

"You sleep, I'll go get started on it. I'll make you some broth too." I plant a kiss on his lips before going into the kitchen. I start on the chicken broth along with the food.

I'm taking a small break when my phone rings. It's my mother. I answer and put it up to my ear "hi mom!"

"Hi honey. Is it okay if your brothers drop some laundry off? I can't do it."

"Yeah, that's fine. They need to be in and out, though. Leo's sick." I tell her.

"Aw, bless him. I'll tell them not to take too long. You know how it is with them travelling all the time."

"Yeah, it's okay." I respond.

"Alright thanks! Bye sweetie."


She ends the call and I take Leo's broth into him. He's watching the TV, and doesn't notice me until I set the bowl down beside him.

"Here." I say. "My brothers are dropping some laundry off in a little bit. Is that okay?"

"It's fine." He responds. "Thank you."

I smile. I lean down to plant a short kiss on his lips before getting back up. "Remember to call if you need anything."

"I will."

I rush back out just as there's a knock on the door. I open it, revealing two of my brothers. They're older than me, and have always acted like how my father does toward me. The older of the two, Jessie, grins and leans down to kiss my cheek, wrapping an arm around me in a hug.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Hey." He says. My other brother Daniel hugs me too, and I usher them into the house. I take the clothes from them and put it on a wash as they go into the living room. I make some quick snacks before going out to them. I set it on the coffee table.

"Here." I say. "Is there anything else you'd like?"

"No, thanks darling." My oldest brother says. "Come sit down."

I take the spot beside him.

"Has Kenzie messaged you at all?" Daniel asks me, leaning back on the couch.

"No. Not since the fourth. Why?"

"No reason." He responds. He puts his feet up on the table, and I cringe but don't say anything. I'll just clean it again once he leaves.

"Tal!" I hear Leo yell.

I stand and walk out, leaving my brothers to watch one of the sports channels.

"Yes?" I say as I walk in. Sympathy overwhelms me, and I go to his side. I hold his hand. "Oh, honey, I feel terrible. What can I do?"

"It's okay." He whispers. "It isn't your fault."

I frown. I lean down and kiss him, and he kisses me back weakly.

"I'll go make you a hot chocolate." I tell him.

"Thanks, baby." He says.

I smile and rush to do as I said I would. I return it to him, topped with marshmallows. I set it on the bedside table after he drinks some, then fluff his pillows for him.

I go take my brothers clothes out of the washing machine and shove it all into the dryer. My brothers and I talk, and I get them more stuff, until they're finished. I fold everything and put it neatly back in the bags for them.

I walk them to the front door. Daniel kisses my cheek. "We'll see you soon."

"Bye." I say. They leave, and I get to cleaning the coffee table. I scrub it, then scrub it again before washing all the dishes they used. When I'm finished, it's getting dark out.

I go into the bedroom, finding Leo sitting up and looking a little better.

"My brothers left a while ago." I tell him.


I begin to change out of my clothes and into pyjamas. I sit down at my small vanity and take my makeup off, then apply some moisturiser to my face. When I'm done, I climb into bed beside my husband.

"Goodnight." I whisper, pressing a kiss to his lips. He moves hair out of my face with gentle hands.

"Goodnight." He responds, wrapping an arm around me. I lay my head on his chest as he turns the TV down a little so it's easier for me to sleep. And then I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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