chapter eight

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Harley's POV 

I woke up to the curtains being pushed away and warm sunlight shining down onto my face. I groan as I was still tired but I then hear Betty interrupting my peaceful time. I reluctantly open my eyes and rub the sleep away from them. 

"Get up! Time for breakfast." Betty's hands clap as I was practically forced out of bed. I yawn and stretch as I finally got the strength to get out of bed. My hair must be a mess but I honestly could care less at the moment. 

I remember back in Tulsa how Ponyboy would jump on my bed making me wake up when we were younger so I wouldn't miss breakfast. I smile gently as that memory went away.

I sigh and walk out of my new room. The smell of bacon and eggs catch my attention and I made my way into the kitchen. "Good morning." Betty chuckled. "How was your official first night?" Betty questioned me. 

"It was good. I slept through most of the night so." I said. That was more of a lie. My brothers were on my mind. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about them. I also kept wondering how they were doing. Wondering if they're happier and well. It was giving me headache. 

"Oh that's good. Here I made some breakfast." Betty then put a plate of food in front of me. I gulped and ate some of it. 

"You better eat what you can. We have a long day today." I looked at her as I drank some water. A confused look swarmed my face. "What're we doin?" I asked.

"Oh well first I'm going to the school to register you for this upcoming year. And well- I do have to go to the bank. You know what? How about you go wander around town for a little while? You know? You could meet some new people." Betty suggested. 

I make a face. 

"Yeah. Sure. Why not?" I honestly have nothing better else to do. Maybe I could go to Connie's house. See what shes doing for the day. 

Betty smiled while stirring her coffee. "Good. Well you go get dressed so we can head out to the school." 

I nodded and headed back into my room. 

Ponyboy's POV

It has been almost four days. Four days without Harley. Darry hasn't gave up looking for her yet. I think he deep down knows she won't be coming back. 

The house has been quiet. 

When Harley was here she always was in her own shell. In her room doing stuff or out somewhere. It used to not be like that but she changed. Our parents death changed all of us, but this was different. I don't really know how to explain it. 

I miss her. Harley and I did fight like hell, but shes my twin sister and it makes me sick not knowing where she is. None of us have a clue where she might have gone anyway. 

Maybe it's my fault. The gang and I never really included her since my parents died. Johnny and her used to be real close. Now- well before she left I don't even think they spoke a word to each other for a couple months. Not that I would know.

Soda doesn't really do much anymore. I mean he does stuff, but his smile hasn't been the same. He was real depressed for the first couple days but hes been keeping himself busy with other things. 

We also can't file a missing persons report. They'd ship Soda and I off like two pirates. 

I stare at my ceiling. I haven't gotten outta bed yet as I am just too beat. I don't know why I feel like this. The house is way more peaceful, but who likes it that way? I kinda miss her. Even though we're not as close as some would hope. 

We just need her back.  Maybe then we could fix everything we'd done wrong. 

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