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i watched a change in you 

it's like you never had wings 

A W K W A R D  SILENCE ECHOED throughout the living room as Eden pretended to read a vampire romance novel, ironic. She desperately wanted to leave and go back to Jacob, pretending as though everything was perfectly fine, so fine that she hadn't been caged for years, so fine that her own blood didn't believe her. So fucking fine that every time she was inside a small space, whether it be a tiny hallway or a closet, her heart was totally not beating rapidly under her chest and it totally did not feel as though she couldn't breathe. 

But a girl could only dream. A small growl left her lips as she turned to the next page, glaring at the book so hard her vision was becoming blurry. She knew she was a strong capable woman who shouldn't rely on a man to forget her worries, but for god's sake he was her soulmate, and she was a moron who thought she could trust her own damn cousin. 

"Eden.." Bella quietly whimpered as she watched Eden's hand tightly clench the book so hard, the spine was beginning to rip. Eden looked up, baring her fangs at Bella angrily. The girls both knew that Eden meant no harm, however the were-coyote was angry and she had to let it be known. She was thankful the rest of the Cullen's weren't in the house as by now they would've noticed how close Eden was to losing it.

"Eden, stop acting like an angry child who didn't get their way" Eden's head snapped to Edward, who stood behind Bella crossing his arms and scowling her way. In response, she gave him her middle finger since he's claiming she's acting like a child and 'continued' reading her book. 

"Eden, please. You two are cousins, it's hurting everyone with the way youse snap at each other" Bella begged as she moved towards Eden, going down onto her knees and holding the were-coyotes soft hands, pulling them onto her own and looking at Eden directly. It appears that Bella's intervention quickly falling apart, who would've thought. 

"Oh yeah, sure. Just because we're cousins I should completely forgive him for trapping me inside a goddamn cave up in the mountains for decades with nothing to defend myself with as I laid there trapped!" Eden got up and yelled, her hands waving around as tears began to form in her eyes. 

"He means nothing to me, Bella. Not once has he apologised, as least Alice had the common decency to."

"You were murdering people." Edward replied as he slowly walked up towards Eden, his hands clenched and his eyes darkening in disgust. Bella's eyes slowly widened, it seems the young human had forgotten that fact and it made Eden further annoyed. Did she just think Eden got locked up for no reason? And she's surrounded by vampires, Eden rarely got this emotion aimed towards Bella but she just wanted to throttle her neck, as well as Edwards. 

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