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"why the hell did we have to bring you a long?" Ghost grumbled as we got out of the car.

"Like Price said... I'm supposed to be stuck to you 24/7." I attached myself to his arm, he aggressively shook me off.

"She's not that bad." Soap followed behind. Over the weeks I've been working with them I managed to win everyone over but Ghost.

"She's horrible." We entered the grocery store. Everyone's eyes automatically fell on us, as Ghost never went anywhere without his mask.

"Hey Soap, it's Ghost dick." I held up a baby cucumber.

Soap bursted into laughter as Ghost shot a glare at me.

"Like you'd know." Ghost continued shopping.

"I've seen it when you've been getting dressed. It's tiny." I teased as I followed behind him.

"Fucking pervert." Soap laughed and walked beside me.

I wasn't lying, I may or may not have looked every now and then, though I was lying about it being tiny.

"Now you're banned from the room when I'm dressing." Ghost threw a box of pasta into the cart.

I shrugged. "Not much to see anyways. Kind of a let down."

Ghost whipped around, staring me down. "Shut the duck up before I make you."

I couldn't help myself. "Make me."

"Uh oh." Soap backed away putting his hands up.

"You wanna act like a child then I'm going to treat you like one." Ghost grabbed my hand, shoving it onto the cart pinning it there with his own.

"Hey." I whined, but the warmth from his hand felt nice.

"Good mutt." He began dragging me throughout the store, making me hold the cart like a child.

Back at Home.

"I swear to God!" Ghost slammed his hands down on the counter as Soap chased me around with a noodle. "Get the fuck away from me before I strangle you."

"Oo, kinky." I giggled, Ghost whipped around glaring at me.

"Why are you so annoying huh? Is that just your personality?" Ghost crossed his arms very annoyed.

"It's fun, you give the best reactions." I jumped up, sitting on the counter.

"Get down." Ghost hit my thigh, his hand lingering for a moment before yanking it away.

My heart jumped a little at his touch and I hopped down. "Well I'll let you work."

I walked to our room, shoving the bubbling feeling arising in my stomach.

No, he's the enemy still, yes we've gain their trust but when they're done with you they're going to turn you in. I sighed to myself as I threw myself on my bed.

I played with my blankets. I wonder how my brother is doing? I know he hates me now, probably planning my death. I felt tears pricking my eyes.

My brother is an awful man, has been awful for as long as I knew him but he was the only family I had.

"Dinner's ready." Ghost popped in and I quickly wiped my tears away. "I didn't hurt your feelings that bad did I?"

I shook my head, taking a deep breath, collecting myself.

"You okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Just missing home."

Ghost raised his eyebrow.


"Last thing I would think you'd miss is home, considering the things in your files." Ghost sat on the foot of my bed.

"My file? What was in my file?" I shifted uncomfortably.

"A lot. Like how you were trained."

I shuttered, quickly shoving those memories aside. "I can still miss people, not all of them were abusive power crazed maniacs."

"I understand that, but.."Ghost got quiet. "Look, just know you're safe here."

I looked up at him, tears still running down my face. "We both know I'm not. As soon as this war is over, I'm as good as dead."

"Price will see to it that you aren't. You have been reliable to us so far." Ghost stood up. "enough crying, let's go."

I nodded, wiping my face once more and headed off to dinner.

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