Chapter 18 The Best and Worst News

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I felt my stomach roll and I bursted up from my bed and raced to the empty chamber pot that was beside it. Emptying my stomach until I could do nothing but dry heave. Paris got out of bed and ran over to me, pulling my hair back from my face. I could feel sweat dripping from my brow. I had been feeling like this for some time now. Everything I ate somehow managed to come back up. It had been three months since my wedding to Paris. And the war continues to rage on. But without Achilles and his Myrmidons, the Greeks were losing both in body and mind. Some Greek soldiers were refusing to fight if Achilles did not fight then neither would they.  This included some Greek kings, who saw that without Achilles, the never ending battle was pointless. Some in Troy were beginning to hope that the end of the war was in sight. That we could bring Agamemnon to the table and negotiate a truce. I looked up at Paris. He had a look of concern in his eyes. He did not like seen me unwell.

"Helen, I am worried about you, my love. You have not been well for several weeks now," Paris said softly. He wiped the sweat from my bow. He helped me back into our bed and sat beside me. Hermione was already sitting up in our bed and staring at us with quizzical eyes. She reached out and touched my face. I smiled and pulled her little hand to my lips. Hermione had been waking up in the middle of the night with nightmares. So she had been sleeping in our bed for at least a week now. Often choosing to either sleep on top of me or on top of Paris. Hermione let out a small string of coos before trying to get on top of me. I helped her and she settled on my chest. I could feel her yawn, and knew that she would fall asleep again. I looked over at my worried husband.

"I am alright Paris, truly I am. This will pass soon enough," I replied simply. Not wanting Paris to worry about me. But Paris only shook his head. He did not like my answer. But I knew that the sickness would pass soon.

"I am sending for the physician. He will know how to heal you," Paris replied. I shook my head. The ailment I suffered could not be healed by potions or bleeding me. Nothing could cure the condition I was in. Nothing at least a physician could do.

"There is no need for a physician, Paris. The physician cannot cure what I have. He will only confirm what I have suspected for some time now," I replied. Paris gave me a curious look. I just rolled my eyes at him. Men could be rather blind when it came to things about women. And the signs we show when we are carrying a child.

"What do you mean Helen? I know that you are ill, and the physician can help you," Paris said. This just made me chuckle. I slowly sat up and leaned against the pillows. I rubbed Hermione's back until I felt her breathing steady.

"Paris, I am not ill at all. I am pregnant, I suspect I fell pregnant sometime during the week we were together after our wedding. The symptoms that I am exhibiting are the same symptoms I had when I was carrying Hermione," I replied. I watched Paris' eyes grow wide as the realization of my words hit him. He cupped my cheek and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"This is wonderful news Helen. The gods have smiled down upon us. Granting us a child so soon after our wedding," Paris replied. He pressed a kiss to my cheek and then to my lips. He pulled away and I was smiling. I was so glad that Paris was happy with the news I gave him.

"Now Hermione will have a little brother or little sister like we have talked about. Like Pollux and I as children," I said. Paris laughed and rubbed Hermione's back. She stirred a little bit. Recognizing her father's touch.

"Son... Daughter... it does not matter to me Helen. As long as both you and our child are well and healthy. That you both survive  the child bed," Paris replied. I could hear the trembling in his voice. He was thinking about when Hermione was first born. About how just for a moment I had died, and my soul was sent into limbo. The first time I ever spoke to Zues.

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