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 Sometimes I'm sad and tired and miserable for no reason at all.

Present || Leonardo

As the clouds gather and darken the sky, the first few drops of rain start to fall. Each drop feels like a small weight hitting the ground, but as time passes, the scattered drops combine into a steady flow of water. The rain seems to reflect the sadness that surrounds everything around me, the people around me and the horrid life I'm forced to live through. The rhythm of the rain tapping against the windows seems to create a melancholic melody, which only intensifies as the rain continues to fall. It's as though the rain is a reflection of my tears, showing that even nature can feel sadness and mournful emotions.

Sighing, I wipe my tears with my bandaged hand and head into the bathroom for a much needed shower. Not wanting to see my awful reflection, I hurriedly step into the shower, stripping off my clothes and throwing my bandage into the nearby bin.

Drowning myself in warm water, my mind drifted back to this week.

The days went by in a blur and it's been a whole week since I've been here. My clothes began getting bigger and bigger on me and the pain in my ribs increased with each passing day. Thankfully, my ankle wasn't throbbing as much and I made sure to change the bandage when needed. Evans had gotten caught up with work but he managed to visit the other day.

Alonzo came to my room straight after school and would fill me in on his day and the latest girl who flung herself on him. It was funny because he complained and complained, claiming it was tiresome and annoying and here I thought he enjoyed flirting and the attention he received.

Speaking of school, father had yet to sign me up but I wasn't complaining. I'd rather spend the rest of my days locked away in the safety of my room than be forced to go through another round of abuse.

I shuddered at the thought. It was hell at boarding school, the looks of disgust, papers and food thrown at me in every direction, getting picked on constantly, forced to do whoever's homework and I would.

Why wouldn't I?

They were all taller, faster and stronger than my weak, scrawny self. The consequences for not listening to certain people resulted in my body becoming a bruised canvas.

Even with Alonzo on my side, protecting me, my other brothers continue to torment me. I don't see much of Antonio or Luca, they leave early in the morning and arrive back late at night. Alfonzo and Giovanni are the ones to 'accompany' me.

Though Giovanni hasn't bothered me too much. Could it be because of what happened in father's office?

Both relief and uneasiness filled me at the thought of what happened that day. Strangely enough, father hasn't spoken to me or called for me once. He's left me alone. I hope it stays that way.

Scrubbing myself clean and twisting the knob for the showerhead off, I limped out the shower and quickly towelled myself dry. Re-wrapping my hand in the bandage, I grabbed my newly bought concealer, courtesy of one of the maids, and covered up my scar. 

Wincing at the pain in my ribs as I made my way back to my bedroom, I changed into a pair of black tracksuit bottoms and hoodie and made my way to Alonzo's bedroom.

He said he had something 'very important' to tell me.

My anxiety was through the roof the closer I got to his room, the fear that one of my brothers might be lurking about. It was late in the evening on a Saturday and everybody was home. The one time Alonzo has something to tell me and it just has to be on a day like this.

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