Chapter 11

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 A special thanks to MrsNotSoPerfect for being the fist to comment and giving me support since the beginning of the story.  Thank you so much, you have no idea how much i appreciate the support!

Chapter 11- Day 2

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Thank for the support to those who have read and comment I’m glad you’re enjoying my story!


“What?” I asked Alanta last night.

“Parker and I never dated; we’ve only ever been great friends.” She had told me.

“I wonder why he told me you were his ex.” I inquired.

“I don’t know, but one thing you should about Parker is that sometimes when he’s scared or upset he’ll say and do things without thinking.” She said just like Cassie said.

“You know he told me not to fall in love with him,” I whispered softly after a few minutes.

“But you have, haven’t you? Parker’s a great guy, the best; I’d be surprised if you didn’t.” She stated.  “Don’t worry, He’s fallen too.  I’ve never seen Parker look at anyone the way he looks at you. You should tell him how you feel.”  She promised the laid down for bed I smiled, turn out the lights, and dis the same.


(Parker POV)

The next morning I was making my bed before breakfast when Josh walked in.  “I need an answer?” He demanded.

“Josh back off,” I warned.  “I’m not hurting Harley, and especially not going to let her run back to you, you’re not going to lay another on her ever.  If I had any proof or see any evidence that you’ve beaten Alanta also, you won’t be with her earthier.” I growled at him.

“Parker I don’t think you understand what I’m capable of.” He said tossing a red folder, with Harley’s name printed across it, on my bed and walked back out.

I sat on my bed and open the folder inside was a stapled stack of papers, the cover page read “Harley Elizabeth Evermore!” flip the cover page and began reading…

“The Real Harley:

1.      Unplanned - Harley was an unplanned Pregnancy for her mother was raped.

2.      Love child – The man who had raped her mother had disappeared after that night.

3.      Does not know her father – Harley does not know who her father is for she thinks the man she calls Daddy is her real father, which he’s not.

4.      Father is in jail – Her real father is in jail for physically and sexually abusing his wife and other daughter.

5.      Mother single – Although her mother is living with the man that Harley thinks is her real dad they are not married.

6.      Half-sister – Harley father has another daughter with a woman he married.

7.      Street poor – Harley and her mother are living off the income of the man they are living for they have no money if they weren’t.

And the list goes on…. Next seem to be copies of Harley’s journal entries…each one could be damaging to her if they ever got out…it was then that I realized this was Josh’s threat…If I don’t break up with Harley, he could spread this around…easily framing me…for its similar to the fifth grade incident.

“Hey what are you doing coped up here all day, Harley ask me to come fetch you.” Alanta said poking her head through the door.  I put my finger up to my lips telling her to be quiet, and gestured for her to come in and shut the door. Review what I just learned about Harley. “Wow, does she know any of this?” She asked.

“I don’t know, I’m guessing not.” I replied just as Josh walked back in.  He looked at me to Alanta with fury, her reached down wrapped his hand roughly around Alanta upper arm yanking her up beside him as she wimped, “Hey, let go of her,”  walking towards him yet he push me back.

“I need an answer,” he demanded.  “Before you do, though you must think you can’t even tell her, cause who is she going to believe a guy she had for a year or the guys who’s done something like this before?  And you’ve read through the documents; just imagine how damaging those could be to her.  However if you do as I asked I promise they will be locked up safe, and never be heard of.  And you,” he jerked Alanta closer.  “If you even think about telling you half-sister about this, she won’t be the only one ruined.  But since you’re involved now, you get to help Parker break her heart,” He finished.

“My half-sister, Harley’s my half-sister?” Alanta inquired shocked.

“Okay,” I finally gave up.

“What?” Alanta questioned,

“Good, I leave you two to come up with a plan, and I want it done tomorrow.” Josh tested walking out leaving as alone.

“What?” Alanta requisitioned me.

“Alanta I can’t let the stuff about Harley get out, I can’t let him ruin her like that.  Can you? Do you want to watch your suffer through that humiliation?” I quizzed her.

“No, but I don’t want to watch her suffer a broken heart earthier?” She uttered.

“A broken heart can be healed, what Josh plans to do will follow her around forever.” I informed her.  Tears began streaming down her face; I pulled her to me wrapping my arms around her rocking and shushing her.

“Hey, is everything alright?” Harley asked as she took in the scene of Alanta crying in my arms.  Alanta turned towards Harley and ran to her wrapping her arms around her.  Harley hugged back looking surprise and confused at me as I just shrugged.  She then held up one finger telling me to wait here as she took Alanta to their room.  After a few minutes she returned, “What happen?” She demanded.

“All I know is she found out some information that got her stressing.” I replied dryly.

“What kind of information that would have her bawling?”

“I’m not sure,” I lied feeling really guilty.  “But how about this, lets me, you, and Alanta all hang out for the rest of the day just us three.” I suggested wanting to spend as much time as I can with the girl I fallen head over heels for since the first day I saw her.

“Sounds great,” she said kissing me.  “I love you,” She whispered pulling away.

“I love you too,” I replied truthfully, yet my heart dropped knowing she’ll hate me soon.


Let me know what you think?

Sorry it so short i promise next one will be longer!

Thank for all those who having been reading!

Someone requested for me to do a character questioning!  I will if you have any questions you want to ask any character in the story please type the question in the comment area.  I would really love to hear from you all on your thoughts or suggestion!

Please comment and vote it mean the world to me!

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