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They reach home.

Hoseok was the first to enter the master bedroom.he locked the door behind him and went into the bathroom.

His blood boil as he stared at his reflection in the mirror,his face still had cake on it,his hair was messy,makeup all ruin,his dress torn to shreds.

He almost couldn't recognize hisself.

Yoongi was so going to pay for humiliating him like this.

Yoongi reach the room and saw it was locked,his blood boiled and he began to bang on it."hoseok...hoseok!!open the fucking door!"hoseok ignored him.took a bath and went to bed.

That night they both slept in separate rooms.angry and tired.


The annoying sound of the alarm is what woke hoseok up,he jawn,sitting for a moment to let his sleep worn of after,he took a bath and decided to make breakfast.

He left his room in a bathrobe,feet gliding softly on the tilted floor as he made his way to the kitchen,he saw yoongi sleeping on the couch.he took a moment to curse,glare,fume at the sleeping male that had a blanket hugging his body,hoseok didn't know if yoongi was just acting ignorant or he simply didn't want to sleep in any other rooms,whatever it was hoseok didn't care,he made his way into the kitchen and started making breakfast.

Hoseok was in disbelief as he made himself some pancake.he thought when he would get married,waking up the next day would be the most beautiful,gorgeous,heartwarming day of his life,he and his lover would go on a fancy honeymoon,make love and have the best time of his life.

But here he was,like a useless wife making pancakes,on top of that the pancakes weren't coming out good,hoseok can not cook,his wife was going to do that for him if he had one,before now he had cooks to do the cooking for him but does it mean he has to do everything on his own now....the thought was terrifying.

He release a sharp sigh,as he felt strong arms wrapping around his waist,head on his shoulder,soft breath against his neck,he rolled his eyes as the person pulled him closer.

"Good morning wifey~" hoseok couldn't see yoongi face but he could picture that stupid smirk on his face."back off fuck face "Yoongi tsk."I see Someone's too moody,what? didn't you like the wedding?" Yoongi mocked the last part triggering hoseok nerve.

Hoseok turned the stove of,faced yoongi and crosses his arms."listen to me very carefully min yoongi,we maybe married but only on papers and papers only,as I'm standing before you now..I'm single I'm gonna find the love of my life and divorce your sorry ass,so don't fuck with me..or else you'll regret it!"hoseok ranted,he had his plan,had everything figured out so yoongi had to know that he wasn't going to be his victim for too long,yoongi listened to him with a blank face, until hoseok was done he cocked an eyebrow a teasing smile on his lips." really think you can..leave me?"hoseok nodded confidently."okey let make a deal,if you find a guy,girl whatever,make him fall for you in two mouths...I'll give you a divorce and never bother you again"hoseok eyes slightly widen,the offer was good,yoongi would finally leave him alone,he would be free,do anything he wants,without his parent nor yoongi behind his back,he felt so happy,but didn't show it instead he confidently stated"one month, in just one month I'll make not one guy but two guys fall for me"hoseok could not believe he boldly said that but it was too late to back down now.

Yoongi smirk and pulled Hoseok closer,before hoseok knew yoongi lips was on his,kissing him,the kiss felt so good it left hoseok feeling weak.

Once yoongi pulled away he smirked and whispered against hoseok lips."challenge accepted "he pulled back ,winked at hoseok and walked out of the kitchen.

Hoseok groan.

" where the fuck am I going to find two guys to fall in love with me?"

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