1) - Falling in love at our first meeting

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Author's POV:
-After you joined Luffy's crew,you were the first member that was chosen by Luffy in his tiny ship,the two of you decided to take the Map of the Grand Line,for following where does it takes and find the 'the precious treasure' called "The One Piece", Luffy wants to find it to become the King of the Pirates,it is his biggest dream,but you're not sure that it could exist,people aren't even sure if it's a treasure with gold on the inside or maybe something even more big and interesting.You know in the inside of your heart that dreams aren't for everyone,but you still have faith in Luffy and always say to him to keep going and searching for more clues to find it,'cause you really care about your one and only friend,but you're too afraid that he'll die by trying to find the One Piece,you heard a lot of people dying just for an only shitty treasure that no one knows if it exists really or it's just a shitty joke that Roger said.-
Y/n's POV:
Okay,we finally made it by the head quarter of the Marines, Oh Gosh I'm too afraid of being closed in the gates of jail! But I'm doing just for Luffy, I don't wanna see him sad for not doing what he wants,I hope this boy will not get me in trouble sometimes,or it will be danger for the two of us.
Luffy: "Y/n, I think we should find another secret opening,or the Marines will find us."
Ugh finally he knows what he's doing,Luffy sometimes is really stupid by the things that he says.
Y/n: "Yeah I think so too."
Luffy: "Follow me! I think I know where to go!"
Y/n: "Okay I guess? Just don't let us in trouble please,it's all your fault if you let us die in jail all alone."
Luffy: "Do not worry! I will always protect the two of us! No one has to touch my friends!"
Y/n: "Aw Luffy..."
The thing he said was so sweet that I couldn't resist smiling at him.
Luffy: "Enter here Y/n!"
Y/n: "Sure."
We both opened and walked into a hidden door that brought us inside the Marine's headquarter, until we got stopped by a girl.
She pointed at us with a giant stick
Luffy: "Hey! We're not Marines! We are Pirates and we need to find the Map in the Marine's office!"
I don't know what was is going on Luffy's mind,SHE HAS A FREAKING MARINE UNIFORM!
Y/n: "Luffy...The fuck!? She's a Marine!"
I whispered to his ear hopefully to have an answer by him, while that girl was trying to know what was going on with the two of us;and I couldn't lie she was kinda hot, DAMN!
??: "So you guys are Pirates?"
Luffy: "Yeah! We are-"
Y/n: "DON'T FUCKING SHOUT!" I said quietly but shouting a bit
The girl looked like she was smiling at me and could start laughing hard by any moment.
??: "ahahaha you're so cute by the way"
Y/n: "W-Wait,w-who? M-ME?!"
??: "yeah I said right, you!"
Y/n: "Um,T-Thank you I guess..."
The girl stared at me with a dreamy eyes,just like she liked me back,WAIT WHAT I'M SAYING?! She would NEVER like me back!...We made eye contact but then she looked at Luffy while blushing and won't look at me for a second.
??: "O-Oh...*cough cough* I'm not a Marine,I stole the uniform just to disguise and stoling the Map too...You are guys here too for the Map?"
Luffy: "Yeah we are! Wait if you are too,then why don't you join our crew?"
??: "I'm not joining anywhere just follow me."
She said with a cold tone,and then we started to follow her to not make her angry anymore,why would she react like this?

( This is the end of the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! =) )

( 𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝙋𝙄𝙀𝘾𝙀 𝙇𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 ) 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍 ♥︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now