12) - 100 million berries for saving the Coco Village

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Y/n's POV:
Nojiko was explaining her and Nami's sad story to us, but I already knew a part of it 'cause Nami told me once. But Nojiko said that she went with Arlong 'cause she didn't want to stay with them, and that she is just a monster 'cause Arlong killed their mother and she teamed up with him.
Well but I know that Nami wanted to free her place and her sister Nojiko, she was saving up 100 million of berries, this explains why she is a thief.
Nami and Nojiko's story is really sad, I wanted to meet their mother, she seemed like a nice person...what a bad end she did, just for that stupid fish-guy, he ruined so many families here, I hope Nami really doesn't want to go with him and his crew, it would be horrible teaming up with the murder of your mother,I hope she was not lying when she said she's collecting money for saving the village and her family,but I know she has a great heart on the inside,she's just a golden person.
We were complaining about her past when
Nami's POV:
Oh Y/n and the others, don't hate me please, I'm doing this for my family...I don't wanna be with Arlong's crew, it might take a while, I'm almost done with the money that I have to collect...Then me and the village could live peacefully, hopefully Arlong will let all of us alone and in Peace.
While I was hidden behind a piller on Arlong's palace, listening to the Marine Guy that is called Nezumi with his marine officers talking with Arlong about the opportunity for Fish men to live like normal humans, and for that, Arlong told him to offer money and he accepted,walking off scared.
After he left I popped out the pillar and walked up to Arlong.
I stopped the silence saying:
Nami: "So,what about our agreement?"
Arlong: "WHAT agreement?..."
Nami: "About the money..."
Arlong turns around and continues:
Arlong: "100 million berries..."
He continues, this time with an evil smile on his stupid face:
Arlong: "Nami~ You've been holding out on this-"
Nami: "Yeah,and if you want to know more, I've stoled them, now...Can we continue with the agreement thing and I can finally give you the money?"
Arlong got silent and after a while he said:
Arlong: "Bring me that money by dawn, and I will consider the matter concluded."
He made a sign for me to leave and I nodded and left the building silent.
Arlong's POV:
Huh,that girl doesn't know how this will end...
Arlong: "Kuroobi..."
He mumbled while I called him
Arlong: "Bring Nezumi back here again,go."
He nodded and walked off.
Arlong: "Maybe there will be a way to make the mole to have some extra berries...hahahahaha"
Y/n's POV:
We were chilling at Nami and Nojiko's childhood house while Usopp was trying to create a kinda 'throw-smoke-bomb' for fighting against Arlong's crew and Buggy's head that was on the table made him scared of making the sound effect of the bomb, screaming "BOOM!" And laughed like a stupid ass clown while Usopp was looking at him with a serious face,Nojiko interrupted saying:
Nojiko: "Okay, I'm gonna take some fresh air."
Usopp continued,talking to Buggy:
Usopp: "Can you stay quiet for a moment?"
Buggy stopped laughing, but had a smile on his face and answered:
Buggy: "Ohhh...Come on,what's the fun? Do you really think your toys will scratch the skin of a fish man?"
Usopp continued saying:
Usopp: "Those are smoke bombs."
Buggy got cut up by Sanji, putting a tangerine in his mouth:
Sanji: "The new guy is the one that silences the head."
Nami's POV:
I went to my mother's grave to take the money I've buried just for being sure that no one ever saw this.
I got the case while digging down with a shovel when suddenly I hear a female voice on my right,it was Nojiko, she said:
Nojiko: "How.Do.You.Dare... Don't you just work for our mother's killer and come to desecrate her grave now?!"
She took the shovel I used before for digging and was using it like a weapon for breaking the case where all the money was on the inside.
She broke the case letting all the jewels fall down on the dirty ground, I continued saying:
She cut of trying to hurt me with the shovel and she was almost hitting me on the head but then right behind me she gave the final blow to the case where all the jewels were.
Nojiko: "What are those?..."
She said with a tired breath and tired voice.
Nojiko: "All the money...that you stole?!"
I looked at her shocked.
Nojiko: "And you hide them by the side of our mother's dead body?! Nami...WHAT KINDA MONSTER ARE YOU?!"
Nami: "You don't understand!"
Nojiko: "Then...Let me understand!"
I told the story of when I joined Arlong's crew and for what I joined it, so me and Arlong could make a deal and I could let, with all this money, I would let the Cocoa Village free, buying the freedom for 100 million berries.
Nojiko: "100 million berries? It would take a life to collect them."
Nami: "I have that money...All of them, I can finally buy the freedom of the village and its people."
Nojiko sitted by my side on a log and said:
Nojiko: "So...For all those years,you were trying to help us? Why you didn't tell me?!"
I stayed silent.
Nojiko: "Nami I'm your sister...Why you didn't-"
Nami: "For not letting you in trouble...You and the others."
Nojiko was so shocked and continued:
Nojiko: "You kept this secret for all those years...You let me hate you...And I hated you."
I stayed silent again while we hear footsteps behind us, it was Nezumi and his marine officers.
Nezumi: "What a shame to interrupt this moving scene,I've heard that the pirates were hiding their booty in this area and you don't know anything, do you?
We didn't say anything and he looked on the ground where all the money were, and he continued:
Nezumi: "That money is clearly stolen,with the authority given to me by the marines and the world government, I have to confiscate them."
Nezumi: "100 million berries,and where have you got all this money?"
Nami: "How do you know that they're 100?..."
He stayed silent and I continued:
Nami: "Arlong gave you this assignment, didn't he?..."
Nezumi: "I don't know what are you talking about..."
He made a sign to his squad for taking the money and stopping me.
Nezumi: "Be careful or we'll take you into custody too."
I was screaming in pain while they were collecting all the money that was on the ground and putting them inside the broken box while Nezumi was going away with his marine officers.
Nami: "NOOOOOO!"
They gave me a punch on my back making me silent but still angry for what they did.
While they were leaving I wanted to follow them while Nojiko was trying to stop me
Nojiko: "Nami! Nami stop! Wait!"
Nojiko: "Nami we can do nothing for this!"
I got rid of Nojiko that was trying to stop me and she shouted at me:
Nojiko: "Nami! Wait!"
I ran trying to catch them but it was to late.
Author's POV:
Arlong: "Brothers! We all know the truth of this World...Fish men are the rightful rulers of the seas...Even the humans know..."
Arlong said this while Nami was running with all her life.
Arlong: "They fear our power, that's why they put us in chains, they hate our presence...So they banished us from their cities,but we broke that chains and build our cities, now the time has come to restore the natural order of this World!"
While Nami was running and screaming:
Nami: "NO! PLEASE!"
Arlong: "For centuries, humans have used us,kneeling in front of them,so-called leaders allowed it. Banners of peace and loyalty that wave so lovingly are really nothing but white flags,a sign of surrender.
I don't know about you... but I'm not giving up!"
They were all screaming for reason from Arlong while a fish man said:
Fish man: "LET'S KILL THEM ALL!"
Everyone else: "YEAHHH!"
They wanted to kill the people that live in the village and Along continued with:
Arlong: "We are a reinforcement of the superiority of fish men and with the Route Map we will claim our birthright! Our legitimate anger will burn through the streets of Coco to the borders of the eastern sea and along the Main Route and beyond we will teach every single human being what their place is!...Below us!"
Everyone screaming: "THEY ARE BELOW US YEAH!"
Nami was still running but then she stopped with a concerned face and falled on her knees saying:
Nami: "Arlong..."
She started to get angry and crying and said again:
Nami: "Arlong!..." While looking at her tattoo with a sawfish and continued saying again and again:
Nami: "ARLONG!" Everytime louder and louder, while she took a knife out of her pocket and stabbed her shoulder with the Arlong crew tattoo and continued again:
While she was about to stab her shoulder, a hand stopped her. She turned around and became shocked for who she saw, there were 2 people standing behind her.
??'s POV:
Nami turned around, saying:
Nami: "I told you to get the hell out of here, it's dangerous for you, I don't want you to get hurt!"
??: "I know..."
Nami then threw the knife on the ground letting my arm go off her hand, replying:
Nami: "Then leave...You don't know anything about what's going on here...I should be the one to fight in this situation! Those are my problems!"
The guy next to me answered Nami with:
??: "No, we don't..."
Nami then looked at the ground:
Nami: "Y/n...Luffy..."
She turned around at me:
Nami: "H-help me..."
Me and Luffy didn't even think twice and we said:
Y/n and Luffy: "Of course we will..."
I took Luffy's hat and made Nami wear the straw hat.
I smiled and Nami smiled too with a soft smile at me...
Y/n: "I gave you Luffy's hat, because I have nothing on me for letting you wear that, but I will help you too, fighting Arlong with my devil fruit."
Nami got shocked and concerned for me:
Nami: "No no! Don't do that please! I'm afraid to lose you please!"
Y/n: "I'm sure that even if I didn't ate a devil fruit, I could eliminate him easily haha! He's such a stupid ass fish man! I won't let him escape for what he did to you, Nojiko and the village!"
Nami laughed and then hugged me tight and said:
Nami: "But you didn't told me about that you ate a devil fruit!"
Y/n: "I'm sorry if I didn't haha, I didn't had time!"
Luffy: "Yeah they have the Pika Pika no Mi! The light devil fruit! That's pretty strong!"
Nam then hugged me tight again and answered to Luffy:
Nami: "Okay, you can fight against him, but be careful! I'll go with you and wait for you in front of his palace."
I nodded and made a sign to Luffy to go with the others but then Usopp questioned:
Usopp: "What's that over there?"
Zoro and Sanji: "It looks like the village is burning..."
Nami was about to cry for the shock of seeing her birth village burn and for the people she know that live there.
Nami: "M-My...V-village..."
Luffy: "Don't worry Nami we'll make Arlong pay!"
Y/n: "Zoro,Sanji,Usopp...You go to fight with the Arlong's crew while me and Luffy go to fight with Arlong. And about Nami,I think we should let her rest because she had enough today."
Nami: "Thank you Y/n..."
We kissed on the lips while the others nodded for what I said and then Usopp said:
Usopp: "I think Y/n could be a good pre-captain with Zoro, they give good clues and other stuff that a pre-captain could do,you're very clever Y/n,continue like this! We got your shoulders!"
Usopp said with a huge smile on his face and I continued:
Y/n: "Thank you bro! Haha!"
Everyone laughed.
Y/n: "Guys...Let's wait for the day, Usopp,Sanji,Zoro...you guys can start to go, me,Luffy and Nami,we are gonna wait too, but in a different place, we want to argue with that fish-bitch."
Usopp nodded
Usopp: "Sure thing Y/n. We are gonna handle his stupid 'body guards' tomorrow morning with my new gears hahaha!"
Usopp looked happy to fight them with his new gear
I smirked.
Y/n: "Well then...Good luck my friends for tomorrow morning, take a safe place and do not get burned by the flames."
Usopp: "Of course! Zoro and Sanji! Follow me!"
They got further and further running that we couldn't see them for the dark night-light of the distance.
Luffy replied to me:
Luffy: "Y/n..."
I turned around
Y/n: "Yeah?"
Luffy: "Let's kill him tomorrow morning, together!"
I smiled with him
Y/n: "Bet! And make him suffer for what he did to my girl and the village!"
Luffy looked at the ground with an excited face while smiling with his teeth and we yelled together:
Luffy and Y/n: "YEAHHH!"
Nami laughed with us and kissing me on the lips with a 10-seconds last kiss while I was touching her hips and while she had her arms wrapped around my neck,and then, she gave Luffy a high-five and I continued:
Y/n: "Okay then,let's go guys! We need to find a safe spot for surviving the fire and then tomorrow morning, we are going to fight against Arlong,Nami...Don't worry about us, you'll wait for us to leave victorious from his stupid palace while we killed him with our devil fruits!"
Nami: "Well then...go and kill him! I know you can, so, I decided to make a gift for you when you will get back Y/n, just come to my cabin~"
Nami winked at me and we started to walk towards a safe spot for surviving the burning-night, while Luffy said to my ear:
Luffy: "We need to kill him,I think I know what's the "gift" she told you about now..."
Luffy was trying not to laugh hard and I was looking at him confused but with a smile on my face, I replied to him:
Y/n: "Yeah! I need to win this! She wanna make out with me! This is a Christmas-early gift I'm so happy!"
Luffy gave me a blow on the shoulder with his elbow while winking at me
Luffy: "Tell me how it was tomorrow hahaha!"
Y/n: "Yeah! Hahahaha!"
( Y'all this chapter was so long that I had to write it in different days! But I hope you liked it ;D )
~ SoFy

( 𝙊𝙉𝙀 𝙋𝙄𝙀𝘾𝙀 𝙇𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 ) 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍 ♥︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now