Robert Imagine

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My friend Crystal and I were going for a walk. We enjoy the fresh air and the breeze on our faces and hair. Neither of us have our license so we have to walk everywhere.
"So Rebecca, where are we going?"
"Nowhere. We are just walking around the neighborhood."
"Oh ok."
"How do you think you did on the science test?"
"I don't know. I think I did pretty good. what about you Crystal?"
"Eh I didn't do so well. I fell asleep while studying and when I woke up it was time for me to leave."
"Haha that's happened to me before."
We both laugh.
I'm the nerdy type. I get my work done and if there's extra credit I'll do it. I have straights A's.
We continue walking down the street when we hear laughter. We look ahead and see two boys riding segways.
"I'm going to beat you to the finish line first!" One of them yells.
Crystal and I move onto the grass so we don't get in the way even though they are still like 150 feet away.
We walk on the grass and continue talking about what we're going to do for out English projects. The segways slowly get closer and closer. One of them passes us and the other one is 10 feet behind him because he was bumped into the grass.
The one that was behind catches up and gets in front of the other guy. He turns around and laughs but looses control and runs into the light post.
"Oh my god Robert are you okay!?"
Crystal and I run over to the boy named Robert.
"Are you okay? Looks like you hit the light post pretty hard." I say
The other guy stops and gets off his segway.
"Ya I'm okay. Just a little bit dizzy." he says
"What are your names?" The other boy asks
"I'm Crystal." Looks like someone has a crush.
"I'm Rebecca."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Alex."
"I'm Robert."
"Nice to meet you." I say
"Do you guys live around here?" Alex asks
"Yes. Do you?" I ask
"Yes but on the other side."
"Cool. How often do you have segway races?" Crystal asks
"Every so often." Robert says
"Well you know I've never ridden on one before." Crystal says winking
I roll my eyes.
"Would you guys like to give it a try?" Alex asks
"Yes!" Crystal yells
"Uh I don't know about this." I say
"Oh come on it'll be fun!" She says
"I'll help you." Robert says
I get on I loose my balance and fall back. Robert catches me before I hit the ground.
"Thanks." I say
"Sure any time." he says flashing me a smile.
We figure out how to drive them and mess around with them for 10 minutes.
"Thanks for letting us ride these!" I say
"Sure any time." Robert says
"Did you guys want to go to the movies with us later?" Alex asks
"Sure!" We both say in sync
We exchange phone numbers.
"See you guys at 8!" Robert says
"Ok see you then." Crystal says

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