Chapter 8

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        We are in Ed and Edna's junkyard now. Cole and Kai are searching near the middle of the yard for a jiggly something rather compressor. The Walker boys are searching at random places. And I'm searching for the, I don't even know what a jiggly what-cha-ma-call-it looks like, on the outer side of the junkyard. Jay and Ed honestly lost me at just its name! I just hope I can be lucky enough to find it!

        "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Cole and Kai yelled. I looked in the direction of the yell, and saw two tall piles of junk collapse! Oof! That's got to hurt! At least- Wait! Oh, no. I slowly worked my way towards the entrance of the junkyard, keeping an eye out for the soon to arrive intruder.

        After about an hour, I decided I should meet up with the others. I hopped into the trailer, then hopped right back out. Cole and Jay were having their fight! I don't want to get involved, so I just move away from the camper. As I started to walk away from it, I heard this small noise. I looked around, everything was still. Almost too still. Especially when I play my memory of this episode over ag- "Agh!" I yelled when something shocked my side. I leaned over and looked at the strike..r... Oh, no! I forgot about that! Digi Wu stood there, staff in hand, ready to strike again! I jumped out of the way, barely! Then I started to run and dodge from his attacks. Maybe I can distract him, and give the ninja more time!

      I barely dodged another strike. A loud clang sounded. I looked in the direction of the noise, and saw more Nindroids powered up with the camper, and all those inside, caught by a giant magnet! A sharp pain suddenly jolted up my neck and down my back! "Agh!" I yelled at the pain before I collapsed onto the ground. I couldn't move. My whole body was numb. Darn Digi Wu! How did I forget he was there?! Digi Wu then ran off, leaving me there. All I could do right now, was watch the scene before me, and hope I get feeling back in my limbs soon. I can already feel my toes again! Yay, toes!


      I don't know what happened. One moment Cole and Jay were fighting, next we were spinning in the air in the trailer! The magnetic crane in the junkyard was being controlled by Nindroids, but I don't know what is powering them. Pang! Pang! Clunk, pang! Ah, shoot! The trailer's coming apart!

        "Yeah. Well, they almost hit my mother!" Jay tried to continue to argue. "Don't worry about us, sweetie. We prepare for every type of situation." Edna calmed Jay. "Did you make one for me?" Jay asked his parents. What! He better mean us! I'm gonna punch him later, if he didn't mean us! "Um, sorry, honey. You hardly ever come to visit." Ooh! Burn! (And I should know. I'm the master of fire, after all!) "Yeah. Good luck, kiddo! Eh, watch over the junkyard while we're gone, will ya?" They said before they left with their bubble power jet-like packs. Wait, what?! That's so cool! I want one! Kai focus! After we save Ninjago!... again!

       "I blame you for this!" "What did I do? You were the one who wanted to stay at a junk heap full of Nindroids!" "Enough you two!" I yelled at Cole and Jay. "We may not have our elemental powers, but we still have our Spinjitzu." I reminded the team. "Are you going to be okay?" I asked PIXAL. "I may not be built to fight, but my protective reflexes should suffice." She answered. "Great 'cause your gonna need 'em." Nya told PIXAL. We got ready to jump out of the camper.


       "Ninja- Go!" We all yelled at we jumped. We all landed on the crane, well all except Zane and PIXAL. I don't know what happened there, but at least they're okay. Now if only Jay would stop being a punk, maybe we can get stuff done! A Nindroid fired at our two friends. "We have to help Zane!" Jay said. "Finally, something we agree on." I agreed with Jay. Jay and I ran towards our friends. "Woah!" Jay and I yelled. The ground just opened up! And we fell into some kind of... pit? A top then closed over us. Where ever we were, "We're trapped!" "Oh! And with my own worst enemy!" Jay said in my face. I breathed into his face to get him to back off. On what, that's debatable...

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