CH 21

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Everywhere there was noise.

Rain pelted the thatched roof above my head to a steady beat. Thump, thump, thump. Gales of wind whistled around the grooves and corners of the cabin in a high pitch song that harmonized with the distant rumble of thunder. The cracks of lightning that flashed across the gray sky was their encore.

Rylan bolted through the door, securing it behind him from the wind that threatened to rip it open. He was soaked through with rainwater from head to toe, his wet clothes clinging to him.

"We should be fine for the night as long as it doesn't get any worse."

"What about all the tents?"

"The larger ones should hold, but the soldiers had to pack theirs. Most of them are sleeping in the dining hall." He said, shaking the water from his hair and sending droplets raining around him. He walked over to warm himself by the small fire I had started in the hearth.

"Look what I found." I held my hands out, and in them was a small wooden box, painted with a checkered pattern on top. Rattling inside were twenty-four small, round wooden pieces half dark- and half light-stained. "Fancy a game of draughts?"

"Where did you find that?" Rylan eyed the board game in my hands as he walked into the bedroom.

"It was under the bed. Covered in dust, might I add." I wiped the top of the board with my sleeve as I followed him and bumped right into his chest - his bare chest. In one hand, he held his wet shirt and on his face, he wore a playful grin.

I felt the blush rush into my face, spreading from my neck into my cheeks, as I backed out of the bedroom. An apology slipped past my lips along with, "You could've closed the door."

It didn't take Rylan long to change into dry clothes with a towel draped over his shoulders, but just long enough for me to set up the game board on the table. Rylan eyed it skeptically and I pointedly did not look him in the face, the heat from his bare chest still a memory on my skin,

"Do you really want to challenge me? I'm very competitive."

"I'll have you know that I am the reigning draughts champion in Dast. I'm better than all the three people I've played against."

Rylan sat across from me, scooting his chair entirely too close causing his knees to brush against mine. I fought against the fluttering in my rib cage, forcing the image of his naked chest from my mind as I cleared my throat.

He rested his chin on steepled fingers, his hazel eyes staring deeply into my brown ones, and the corners of his lips curved up into a charming smile that left me thoughtless.

"Dark first."


Rylan proved to be a worthy adversary, and I found it difficult trying to predict his next move as he captured each of my men. Although that didn't shock me when my most frequent opponent was my seven year old sister.

The end was near. I only had one man left against Rylan's two remaining pieces, but that didn't mean that I didn't force him to chase it around the game board. He found amusement in my futile efforts to come back, and even when I managed to jump one of his pieces, his smile only grew.

In two more moves, the game was over and Rylan rolled my final survivor between his fingers. I let out a defeated sigh as I gathered my fallen soldiers. They had served me well and were greedy for a rematch. I was a little more weary.

"Do you like being a captain?" I asked, arranging the game pieces to their starting position.

"What's not to like? Eating grub everyday, bathing in a river, sleeping on a cot." Rylan nudged my leg under the table with his foot. I've offered to switch with him enough times to know better than to try again. I was starting to think he liked holding it over my head.

"It's not all bad really, and I'm good at it." Rylan shrugged, watching as I made the first move in the next game. "It's just not what I would've chosen."

"Really?" I didn't notice when he immediately captured one of my pieces. I stared at Rylan, trying to picture him somewhere else doing something else, but all I knew of him was here. "What would you have chosen?"

Rylan dragged a hand down his face, waiting for my turn, but I had all but forgotten about the draughts board in front of us. He took a deep breath and let it back out in a long sigh.

"Your move."

I reached my hand across the table, bypassing the game and intertwining my fingers in his. His palms were made rough by the calluses from fighting, but also delightfully warm against my unusually cold hands.

"You can tell me." I coaxed, squeezing his hand comfortingly.

A hint of a smile flashed across his face and his eyes burned brighter than the candles lighting the room before he spoke.

"I've always wanted my own ship. A large one with at least three sails" -he shook his head- "Not sure what good it would be in Rezantri. We're not exactly known for our tropical coastlines."

"You know, Verdana is surrounded by the sea..." I trailed off, not knowing exactly what point I was trying to make. Rylan gave me a strange look that was replaced by a teasing grin.

"Says the girl that can't swim."

"It all makes sense now." I gasped, realization dawned on me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your 'Faine the Fearless' books." I looked over his shoulder as if I could see the collection on his bookshelf through the wall. "Does that mean you want to be a pirate?"

I raised my eyebrows, trying to imagine Rylan as the swashbuckling type. Sword on his hip, a pirate hat, golden skin kissed by the sun-

"No. I do not want to be a pirate." Rylan groaned, leaning back in his chair. "I just want to travel the world."

I brought my hand up, fingers touching my forehead in a salute that caused Rylan to roll his eyes. "Aye, aye, captain."


Hello everyone, just checking in. I can't believe we made it onto the Wattys Shortlist! I'm excited for where this book is going next and I hope you are too! If you're enjoying the story so far, be sure to vote and comment. See you in the next chapter!

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