Chapter V: The Sacrificial Lamb Part 2

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Afternoon came, Zenia Strauss, who served for almost a decade in House Belfford and found a lover in their town, had to make her final farewell to everyone. Reina was cosplaying waterfalls the whole time and she didn't wanna lose her grip on her ex-maid's hands. In the end, she hugged her tightly and wished her a blissful marriage before she sent her off.

When the night came and they already had their supper, Reina braced herself with enough courage. She had lost the energy earlier when she was seeing her ex-maid off but there was no time to sulk over it for she had an important matter to focus on. Holding the black-colored fabric that she had been hiding under her bed until now, she pulled a deep breath and knocked at the office of the marquis who was still working even at night.

She heard from her father that there would be a meeting together with the other members of the aristocrat faction tomorrow. The topic would be about the second prince but she was sure her father would bring up the matter of the marriage proposal to the table. It would be good if she could go with him.

"You can't," the marquis quickly answered while his eyes were still fixated on the documents he's working on. "You're already at the right age but you're still not allowed to join a meeting for elders' talk. Now, go back to your room and let me handle this matter."

"I'm taking the proposal," she boldly proclaimed that finally made him look at her. "I have decided to live with the prince in the Louvern Castle."

"What? Are you out of your mind?" Marquis Belfford raised his voice. He frowned and massaged the side of his forehead. He's not in the good mood but she's not gonna give up either.

"You knew our family is a valuable support to House Scarlett and marrying Prince Darius would only meant betrayal, right? I thought we've discussed about this already?"

"I'm not marrying him. I said, I will only live with him in the Louvern Castle," she boldly stated and she's turning up the volume of her voice, loud and clear enough to be heard by the marquis.

"Did you hear what you were saying?" He shook his head as he covered his face with his palm and pulled a sigh. It was long and deep, a sign of being so drawn with so many problems. It sounded like bad news to his health and she didn't want him to think about the problem anymore. To end this all, she must agree with the prince and avoid the tragic incident.

"Clarish, have you thought about it seriously? This is the first prince we are talking about. He's the same prince who has a deadly cursed on him. Do you understand what I mean? So before I get mad at you, leave this room for good."

It was a firm order with a pinch of scolding from the head of the house but she's not gonna give up.

"You mean the curse that the House Scarlett planted on the first prince during his coming-of-age ceremony," her voice became cold as her expression darkened. The marquis' eyes went large, his face went pale.

"What are you saying?"

"You knew what I meant, father. You have been keeping that secret from us for six years. Don't you think it's about time to confess your sin and do the right thing?"

In the original story, Clarish found about the truth when she visited the Scarlett Mansion with her father. She eavesdropped in the meeting of the elders and that supposed meeting should still gonna happen in the future. Reina doesn't know how will she explain it to her father but it's the only thing she could use as a trump card to win her father over.

"I don't know how you've figured it out but what you said is true," the marquis finally confessed as if there's a thorn that had been taken from his throat. "I didn't want it to happen either but I couldn't do anything about it. I was afraid. That's why, Clarish, you have to keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone about it or else-"

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