cute little blonde girl

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I always enjoyed school, especially now. It takes my mind off the harsh reality. Although Im not popular, I am well known.

My closest friends are Charlotte and Harper. Charlotte is extremely funny and will always stick up for you, but she can be a bitch if she doesn't like someone. So i'm glad that she likes me! Harper is super silly and always lights up the room with her weird but funny humor.

My grades are consistent excellences and well aboves, although I am naturally smart I still study and normally pay attention in class.

Except for right now... I have to painfully sit through maths as the teacher sits proudly at his desk, probably scrolling through Facebook while ignoring my raised hand.

I don't even understand why we have to learn algebra, like who's stupid idea was it to mix the alphabet with numbers? I see Mr Smith chuckles to himself while watching his computer and I just stare blankly at a wall out of boredom.

Charlotte is actually attempting to do her work for once, and Harper is typing up random celebrities then asking me smash or pass to the ugliest person I have ever laid eyes on.

I decide that I need a brain-break (I can't be fucked to do anything and these last twenty minutes of class are extremely long).

I walk up to Mr Smiths desk and ask If I could please get water, barely listening to my question he agrees and I slowly walk out of the classroom making sure to use as much time up as possible.

I make my way to the drinking fountain furthest away from my maths class and take my precious time. The water was so cold it made my teeth feel as if they were gonna snap. I hate when that happens. I swear they are always freezing.

Surely a lap around the school wouldn't hurt right? Never.

I sat down in my seat after my little adventure and checked the time. 3:00, only ten minutes left luckily. I spent my time wisely and talked to my friends for the rest of the period.

Once the bell rang I fast walked to the school bus (making sure no one stole my seat). Our bus only had like fifteen students on it, but thats because we all live further away from school compared to most. So we all grew up together and went to the same primary school.

The bus is peaceful, quiet. It allowed me to think about things I normally wouldn't. But at the same time it's boring sitting there for an hour looking out a window. So my AirPods are a necessity.

When we were half way home, on top of the hill, the bus stopped in the middle of the road. Everyone looked around confused.

"Sorry guys, i'm pretty sure the bus has broken down". The driver announced.

Everyone was chattering away, some laughing. But I was more concerned on how I was going to get home?

We all started to get of the broken bus and made our way to the side of the road. Kids were calling their parents and organising how they were gonna get home. Soon enough cars started to pull up, and the crowd was dying down.

I left the group and headed to a local pub I knew was close by. I headed in and asked around for a lift home. But no one was interested as it was a 30 minute drive and everyone lived in the opposite direction.

My anxiety started to increase as I had the faintest idea of how I was getting home. I made my way outside and sat down on a curb. I lowered my head onto my knee, sitting there for a few minutes thinking.

My concentration broke when a felt a gentle tap on the top of my head. I look up to see a familiar face, but I couldn't pinpoint why. It was a little girl, maybe aged around 3. She had wavy blonde hair and gorgeous eyes.

"What are you doing?" she questions with a confused look on her face. "just thinking" I respond.

She grabs my hand, attempting to pull me. I follow her resistance and she takes me to a playground located across the road. We sit in a plastic tunnel together. Im hoping this isn't just a NZ thing? Like the little tunnels you climb through.

"My names Leila" she states. "I'm Estelle" she smiles to my response.

"Where are your parents?" I was concerned but assumed they are just in the pub.

Leila points to the pub "My dad is having a beer with Uncle Jordan, they told me to go make friends for a little bit".

We sit and play for a few hours and it starts to get dark. She tells me all about herself and her favourite things. We played tag, on the monkey bars and her favourite which is the swing. She made me push her forever, but I didn't mind because she was cute.

After climbing to the top of this wooden tower I laid down on my tummy and relaxed my head on the hard wood. She climbs up the ladder and instanly jumps on top of my back. We both giggle and lay there for a few minutes.

At this point it is dark and getting cold. We hear foot steps get closer until someone begins to climb up the ladder. Me and Leila are still laughing as she attempts to tickle me.

"What are you up to Leila?" I turn my head to see the one and only Reece Walsh! He was smiling at the little girl and I piled together on the floor. I try to contain my excitement not wanting to look like a fangirl (I one hundred percent am).

Reece helps Leila up and off from me, I pull myself off the ground and introduce myself to Reece. "Hey i'm Estelle". "I was wondering why Leila was outside for so long, you guys must of been having fun". He says looking at Leila and I.

While Reece jumps off the tower, Leila is telling me to sit down so we can go on the slide together. Once at the bottom my eyes meet with my favourite player, Jordan Riki. He smiles back at me politely.

"What are you doing here so late, are your parents inside?" Jordan questions. "Oh well my bus broke down, so I had no ride home and decided to see If I could catch a lift at the pub. But then Leila and I got a bit distracted". Leila laughs at my story.

"Oh shit, Im sure we could drop you home. I mean you have done free babysitting for Walshy". Jordan suggests. OMG JORDAN RIKI JUST OFFERED TO DROP ME HOME. "Wait actually?" I reply trying not to scream of happiness.

"yeah no problem, where do you live?" Reece tunes into the conversation.


Im in the car alongside Leila, Jordan and Reece. My brain is going crazy right now, I can't even think straight. The boys and I have been having chats about stuff and I learn't that they have no where to stay tonight.

"Well you guys can stay at mine if you would like? There is four bedrooms and you can stay as long as you want." I state hoping they will take up the offer. "Wait actual, you sure? were staying for 6 weeks" Jordan replies.

"No Im sure, it's all goods it will be cool to have some company." I reply with a massive smile appearing on my face. I turn around to celebrate with Leila, only to notice she is completly passed out in her car seat.


hey everyone! i really hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if its not that good. feel free to leave comments pleaseeeee. also does anyone have any suggestions to the story or plot? im not to good at writing so sorry if its not detailed and shit.

love mariella <3

i miss you. - jordan riki and reece walshWhere stories live. Discover now