24. ending

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【congratulations to player #007 for completing this game! you are the first player to win (ノ´ヮ')ノ*: ・゚】

A huge screen floated on the sky; huge enough for people to look up and read the words written on it. Alongside the screen existence, a happy BGM played in the background, celebrating the player's success in conquering the game, yet none of the NPCs who were crowding over two dead bodies saw the screen or heard the music.

Only one person; the protagonist who does not belong to this world can see it.

『wait what happened? why did the screen turn black?

『i saw the npc falling. did she die?

『this season was milder than the previous ones that i almost forgot that it can get bloody

『that stalker! i saw her pulling down kai together with her! ungrateful! even though kai just wanted to help her』

『help her after provoking her? (¬_¬) well, he deserved it』

『although the ending left me unsatisfied, our husband did a great job♡ he's the first person to clear this game. as expected!

『can't wait to see him starring in other shows :D

『no no no this can't be the end? why did the poor npc jumped?? what is chen miao's reaction?? is his affection a lie??? i need time to rewind back by itself damn it! give me more miao x (y/n)

Chen Miao was gazing at the cloudy sky, reading the words on the screen and listening to the happy BGM before lifelessly moving his head down to see the two corpses that stick together.

His felt his stomach churned and his heart uncomfortable as people started to crowd over the pair. The sound of ambulance coming close can be heard loud and clear, mixing with the music.

Although the school wasn't that tall, the fall must have been hard because Chen Miao can see how a part of their body became like a mashed potato from the impact and mixed together, becoming one with each other and somewhere in the protagonist's heart, he can feel anguish, rage, and envy.

ーIt could have been him down there.

If only he was a little faster.

Tears rolled down the cheeks of the protagonist before it trickled down, yet his passive expression shown that he didn't even realize that he was crying.

Chen Miao felt so helpless.

He endured every seasons, letting his loved one murdered him each time while listening to her words of love, and despite how scared he was, he didn't harm her, didn't reach out for anything to defense himself. He let her killed him because he wanted her to stay alive but now? It all went to ruin.

And she had even died with someone else. Together.

"If I had known this day would come, I would have kill her myself instead." He heard himself muttering this.

At that moment, Chen Miao realized; although he wasn't the one that died with you, his moral sure did. 

The protagonist didn't know how long he stood on the rooftop, but when he snapped back to reality, you and that actor were already gone and the crowd had long dispersed.

His brain felt numb and foggy.

Chen Miao then realized that he still had classes to attend and he still need to take down notes to help you study. Hence, he sluggishly went out of the rooftop and descended down the stairs to go to his classroom.

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