Chapter 21. The Journey's End

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There are many things that we have forgotten, or that we want to forget. There are many things that we have missed, or would like to miss. But there are those things that are beyond our understanding. And we never know if it really happened... Or maybe these are the very things we refused to believe in?


Silence. Hope stands among a destroyed building. Flames are burning all around and rain is pouring from the sky, which has long been covered with black clouds. Somewhere nearby, bright scarlet lightning flashes, warning of an imminent disaster. The girl stands alone, not knowing what to do or where to go.

Suddenly the girl felt something... It was... Very familiar. It's like she's already experienced something like this. Feeling of deja vu. It wasn't a simple feeling... It was like a lost fragment of the memory. Something that's been lost, but never felt like it was lost. The picture of the past opened in front of the girl

Something that was once a castle disappeared, leaving the girl in the wasteland. Long ago there was a wonderful kingdom. Trade and farming flourished here. People and Dragons lived in peace. But what happened? Girl's father left this place went to traveling. This happened when The Stranger came to this place. No one knows  who he was. But everything changed after him.

Some years later this Stranger returned. He's been met by the Golden Dragons. The Stranger did not like the warm welcome. He cursed the Dragons, waiting that they'll destroy this place and the other kingdoms with it. But the plan failed, when The Lilac Dragon came to save them. Black Dragons been destroyed, and The Kingdom of the Golden Souls destroyed.

On the ashes of what was once the kingdom The Stranger took the throne. This Stranger never belonged to this world. This Stranger became the reason of a disaster that took this and neighborhood kingdom. And this Stranger is Ahriman.

"Now you know the truth" Eclip's voice returned Hope to reality. "You always thought it was your fault. It's not. Listen. We have to get out of here"

"There's no way out" Hope replied shortly. "The only way to stop this... Is find your friend. She knows what to do"

"So what? Are we gonna stay here"

Hope shook her head and pointed at what was the roof. The rain stopped, but the clouds darkened the sky even more. They needed to hide. Hope took Eclip's hand and took him to the center of the castle.

There was something that reminded of a round arena. On each side resided 6 thrones. Two symbols glowed as the heroes entered. 

"What is this place?"

"I always thought it was a place for the Elder Dragons. But now I know... This is where everything should end. I wonder if Ahriman knows about this place. 

Obviously, he knew since he resided in this castle since it's been destroyed. He explored the castle up and down, looking for something that could make him stronger. And apparently he found it.


In an instant everything became quiet. The rumbles of thunder, which sounded even after the rain had stopped, died down completely. It seemed as if time had stopped for everyone. Everything around froze in anticipation of something... Something bad.

"And I kept wondering when you would find this place," Ahriman's voice echoed in the room.

"Where are we anyway?" Eclip asked, looking around in the hope of finding the owner of the voice

"Hope, maybe you can explain to the boy? He doesn't seem to quite understand what's going on."

"The Throne Room... No... This place serves to disconnect us from the Program that Ward was working on, and which your friend remade," at that moment Hope realized what she had just said. "There is only one way from here... Home..." 

Home... As loudly said, however, this was the absolute truth. But returning Home is not so easy. There were two ways to close the Program: from the Crystal Tower, from where no one would help anyone, or from the inside, staying here forever. Neither Abby nor the heroes even realize this. Nobody knows about this...

The door opened slowly. Two silhouettes appeared on the threshold.

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