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Luna's Perspective

"Cause, if it isn't real
You can pretend all you want
It's all you'll ever need
"That's not healthy, " they said
"To live in your head"
But it hurts a lot less to me~ " the incessant ringing filled my ears. "Luna, please stir from your slumber before you miss the start of your educational pursuits," a second alarm resounded through the room.

"I am awake, Alice," I sighed, "and I would relish the opportunity to end your existence in this moment." I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to begin my morning routine.

As expected, Alice was already busy making breakfast. How did I know? The tempting aroma of bacon and eggs wafted through the air, subtly beckoning me to join her in the kitchen.

Alice and I had been friends since childhood, and I cherished her immensely. When I made the decision to move to America on my own, she bravely accompanied me for support, through the highs and lows.

I stuck to the dress code by donning a navy blue blazer over a crisp white long-sleeved shirt and a matching blue skirt. Accompanied by Alice on her own bike, we set off for school. Our uniforms may be basic, but we were content with our choice.

I adored my bike, purchased alongside Alice's. Mine was a sleek black with purple and red lights, while hers boasted a maroon frame with blue accents. Our bikes were our prized possessions, cherished more than our friendship itself.

With part-time jobs, we each saved up for our individual bikes. We often embarked on night rides together, making a promise to someday bring our significant others along.

Arriving at school early, Alice and I both happened to be in a "mood" due to our shared period. However, our love for chocolate never wavered.

Before heading to school, we stopped by a quaint cafe. The classical music and delectable breakfast, complete with croissants and bubble tea, never failed to lift our spirits.

Though we had already eaten, we couldn't resist indulging in two more bubble teas and a pack of bubble gum. Chewing gum in class was our go-to solution for boredom.

For some unknown reason, I decided to venture to the cafeteria alone. As I walked in, I overheard Sam and his group of friends whispering about me.

Sam had been pursuing me for some time now, much to my dismay. He and his posse were nothing but a nuisance, constantly taunting me with derogatory remarks. I had finally reached my boiling point.

Determined to confront him, I strode up to Sam and grabbed him by the collar. "You pathetic excuse for a human being, stop playing these childish games. If you truly have feelings for me, have the guts to express them. And if I decline, have the courage to accept it."

Afterwards, I proceeded to the lavatory with Alice via the staircase when an unknown individual abruptly grasped my hand and pushed Alice down the steps.

Fortunately, Mr. Shin was on the scene and managed to catch her before she suffered any harm. It was such an adorable occurrence, don't you agree?

The person who had grabbed my hand then forcibly dragged me into an unoccupied classroom. To my surprise, it turned out to be Tan Zheng Hau.

Oh my goodness, my crush had just whisked me away into an empty classroom, but hold on a second...
Why on earth did he push Alice? This guy must have a few screws loose.

I have been infatuated with Zheng Hau ever since I arrived in America. Despite my somewhat American-sounding name, I am actually from Korea, as evidenced by my surname. Being Chinese, he naturally caught my attention.

As for Alice, she is of mixed Chinese and Korean heritage. It doesn't make much sense why she fancies Mr. Shin, who is Thai. Honestly, what does she see in him? But let's return to the story.

"Luna, I... need your assistance," Zheng said to me almost pleadingly. "Um, what kind of help, dude?" I asked, feeling bewildered.

"Well, I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend," he replied, leaving me utterly taken aback. "But why me, though?" I questioned, completely puzzled.

"You see, my friend 'Kayla' has been stalking me. Every time I remove my mask, she makes notes about it in her diary," he explained.

This likely explains why he always wears a mask, I thought.

"I mean, you have plenty of other female best friends you could ask," I pointed out, though deep down, I secretly wished to be his girlfriend.

"Well, I saw what you did to Sam, and I thought maybe you could help me by retrieving her diary so I can report her to Mr. Shin. Please," he implored. I have to admit, he looked incredibly... endearing. *giggles*

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