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"DO IT. I DIDN'T RAISE A WEAKLING." He yelled. Raised? I internally scoffed but kept doing as he said.

I was starting to get tired. I don't have much energy. But I couldn't give up or he'd hurt her.

With that thought in mind, I suddenly got a sudden urge to keep going so that she wouldn't get hurt because of my failure.

My power got stronger making the other boy shocked. He tried to overpower me but there was no way I'd let him win.

With the last energy I had, I used it to strengthen my fire and that made his power disappear and his screams and flames were the only things heard other than my loud breathings.

When his ashes where the only thing left my knees finally gave out making me collapse to could steal ground.

I've been doing this for hours and killed over fifty even though they're nothing compared to me. But I'm still tired after the training and I haven't gotten to eat anything for almost two weeks.

"Bon petit diable. Mais tu dois faire plus de travail, je ne t'ai pas fait être plus faible que les autres. Je t'ai fait devenir le plus fort, avec ou sans tes pouvoirs."

(Good little devil. You need to trajn more though, i didn't make you to be weaker than others. I made you to become the strkngest, with or without your powers.)

I didn't have the strength to move so I just laid there feeling powerless. I hate this.

He motioned for the guards to take me back and they quickly grabbed me one holding each hand as my head hung down.

I was dragged back to the others. It's where he puts us after the training. A different training.

They threw me and I landed on the ground not moving a muscle.

"One." I heard Cami call out as she ran to me holding me as I hid my head in the crook of her neck.

We aren't allowed to call each other by our names other than our numbers. I was one and she was two as we are the first subjects.

We can call each other by our names but only when none of the guards or he can hear us. And right now the guards were guarding the cell.

I could use my healing power to heal myself but it's no use, I don't have the energy. Besides, I can't feel anything.

0089729 came and sat beside us holding my hand. He used his healing powers to heal me and I just closed my eyes feeling the coldness running through my burning self.

The tiredness got to me and I closed my eyes releasing a big breath and let the weeks without rest and sleep take over.


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