Chapter 7 - Dinner Debates

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I sat in the seat behind Anakin and Obi-Wan, just watching the line of speeders whiz by my smudged window. The rough-spun wool dress I was wearing itched like a TaunTaun in July. Suddenly, I wished I could be wearing my Jedi attire I generally complained about. When we finally docked at the loading bay, I stood up to accompany the others as we readied for the cargo ship destined for Naboo.

Joining the Jedi huddle so as to give Padme some privacy in bidding her staff goodbye, I tuned into Obi-Wan's lecture.

"-don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the Council," he ordered, his gaze flicking to me as well.

"Yes, Master." we intoned as both Anakin and I began to lug Padme's hefty luggage off the bus.

"I will get to the bottom of this plot quickly, M'Lady. You'll be back here in no time," Obi-Wan told her with a polite smile.

Padme nodded to him gratefully, her dark bronze headdress glinting in the sunlight, "I will be most grateful for your speed, Master Jedi."

"Anakin, Jetta, may the Force be with you." Obi-Wan bid us goodbye with a nod.

We returned the sentiment before beginning the long trek through the spaceport.

"You ready for our first assignment on our own?" I arched an eyebrow over at Anakin.

"Ready as I'll ever be. At least R2 is with us." he responded with a smile.

Padme and I both laughed at this but I almost swore I heard the faint murmurs of a conversation as we were leaving...

"I do hope he doesn't try anything foolish..."

"I'd be more concerned about her doing something, than him..."

Later as we sat among the refugees mid-flight, the words still irritated me. I could be responsible...well, most of the time anyway.

"It must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi... not being able to visit the places you like... or do the things you like..." Padme commented once Anakin finished expressing his joy at returning to Naboo after so many years.

After poking at the Colo Claw Fish eggs on my plate for about half a minute, I finally decided there was nothing else edible and took a bite.

"Or be with the people I love," Anakin continued that train of thought.

A scoff escaped my mouth, almost spluttering at that forward remark.

"Are you allowed to love?" Padme asked us both, "I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi,"

"Yeah, that's because it is. It's against the Jedi Code to exhibit any sort of romantic feelings towards another individual," I informed her, never taking my eyes off Anakin.

He held my gaze as he replied, "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life. So you might say that we are encouraged to love,"

His self-satisfied smile after having said this was dazzling and I would have forgotten the entire conversation if it hadn't been for Padme's stunned expression and abrupt excusal of herself to get more food that brought me back around.

"Well, that's an interesting way of bending the rules in your favor. Yet it doesn't change the rules themselves, Anakin. It's still forbidden to love," I pointed my fork at him in defiance.

"Since when have you ever not bent the rules, Jetta? The nightclubs? The drinking?" he countered, arching his eyebrow at me.

"That's different. That's harmless. Besides, it's a personal choice,"

"And love isn't?"

His words hung in the air between us for a moment before I responded, my chocolate brown eyes locked on his cerulean gaze.

"No. Love is never a choice."

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